Physics 11 Physics 11
UNIT I: Physical World and Measurement
- SI units
- measurement of length
- mass
- time
- Position
- path length
- displacement
- average velocity
- instantaneous velocity
- average acceleration
- instantaneous acceleration
UNIT II: Kinematics
UNIT III: Laws of Motion
- Types and laws of friction
- Applications
UNIT IV: Work, Energy, and Power
UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
- linear momentum
- impulse and momentum
- theorem of perpendicular and parallel axis
UNIT VI: Gravitation
- acceleration due to gravity
UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter
- Poisson’s ratio
- fluid mechanics
UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics
- zeroth law of thermodynamics
- Heat
UNIT IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
- kinetic theory of gases
- assumptions of kinetic theory
UNIT X: Oscillations and Waves
- oscillations due to spring
- kinetic and potential energy in S.H.M
- transverse and longitudinal waves
- speed of wave motion
- superposition of waves
- standing waves