Meghalaya State Board


UNIT I: Physical World and Measurement

UNIT II: Kinematics

UNIT III: Laws of Motion

UNIT IV: Work, Energy, and Power

UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

UNIT VI: Gravitation

UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter

UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics

UNIT IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

UNIT X: Oscillations and Waves


UNIT I: Electric Charges and Fields

UNIT II: Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance

UNIT III: Current Electricity

UNIT IV: Moving Charges and Magnetism

  • Magnetic force on a moving charge,
  • magnetic force on a current-carrying conductor,
  • force between two parallel current-carrying conductors,
  • torque
  • experienced by a current loop in a uniform magnetic field,
  • moving coil galvanometer,
  • magnetic dipole moment,
  • oscillation of a magnetic dipole,
  • Earth’s magnetic field,
  • magnetic properties of materials,
  • dia,
  • para and ferromagnetic substances,
  • Hysteresis,
  • permanent magnets.

UNIT V: Magnetism and Matter

UNIT VI: Electromagnetic Induction

UNIT VII: Alternating Current

UNIT VIII: Electromagnetic Waves

UNIT IX: Ray Optics and Optical Instruments

UNIT X: Wave Optics

  • Wave front and Huygens’ principle,
  • interference
  • Young’s double-slit experiment,
  • diffraction,
  • polarisation.


UNIT I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

  • Importance of chemistry,
  • nature of matter,
  • laws of chemical combination,
  • Dalton’s atomic theory
  • atomic and molecular masses,
  • mole concept and molar mass,
  • percentage composition,
  • empirical and molecular formulae,
  • chemical reactions,
  • stoichiometry.

UNIT II: Structure of Atom

  • Discovery of electron,
  • proton and neutron,
  • atomic number,
  • isotopes,
  • isobars,
  • Thomson’s model of atom,
  • Rutherford’s model of atom,
  • Bohr’s model of atom
  • electronic configuration of atoms.

UNIT III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

UNIT IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

  • Kossel Lewis approach to chemical bonding,
  • ionic bond
  • covalent bond
  • Valence bond theory,
  • resonance,
  • VSEPR theory
  • hybridization,
  • molecular orbital theory,
  • bond length,
  • bond angle,
  • bond order,
  • dipole moment.

UNIT V: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

  • Three states of matter,
  • intermolecular forces,
  • properties of gases,
  • ideal gas equation,
  • real gases,
  • deviation from ideal behaviour,
  • liquefaction of gases,
  • properties of liquids,
  • vapour pressure,
  • viscosity.

UNIT VI: Thermodynamics

UNIT VII: Equilibrium

  • Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes,
  • dynamic nature of equilibrium,
  • law of mass action,
  • equilibrium constant,
  • factors affecting equilibrium,
  • Le Chatelier’s principle

UNIT VIII: Redox Reactions

UNIT IX: Hydrogen

  • Position of hydrogen in periodic table,
  • isotopes of hydrogen,
  • properties of hydrogen,
  • preparation,
  • properties and uses of hydrogen compounds - water,
  • hydrogen peroxide,
  • heavy water,
  • hydrogen as a fuel.

UNIT X: s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)

  • General introduction,
  • electronic configuration,
  • occurrence,
  • anomalous properties of the first element of each group,
  • diagonal relationship,
  • trends in the properties of elements - atomic and ionic radii,
  • ionization enthalpy
  • electropositivity,
  • oxidation states,
  • trends in chemical reactivity
  • compounds of alkali metals and alkaline earth metals.

UNIT XI: Some p-Block Elements

  • General introduction to p-Block elements: Group 13 elements: General introduction,
  • electronic configuration,
  • occurrence,
  • variation of properties,
  • oxidation states,
  • trends in chemical reactivity
  • anomalous properties of first element of the group; Boron - physical and chemical properties,
  • some important compounds: borax,
  • boric acid,
  • boron hydrides. Aluminium: Reactions with acids and alkalis,
  • uses.

UNIT XII: Organic Chemistry - Some Basic Principles and Techniques

  • General introduction,
  • methods of purification,
  • qualitative and quantitative analysis,
  • classification and IUPAC nomenclature
  • of organic compounds.
  • Electronic displacements in a covalent bond: Inductive effect,
  • electromeric effect,
  • resonance and hyperconjugation.
  • Homolytic and heterolytic fission of a covalent bond: Free radicals,
  • carbocations,
  • carbanions; electrophiles and nucleophiles,
  • types of organic reactions.

UNIT XIII: Hydrocarbons

  • Classification of hydrocarbons,
  • alkanes - nomenclature,
  • isomerism
  • conformation (ethane only),
  • physical properties,
  • chemical reactions including free radical mechanism of halogenation,
  • combustion,
  • preparation of alkanes (from unsaturated hydrocarbons) and Wurtz reaction.
  • Alkenes - nomenclature,
  • structure of double bond (ethene),
  • geometrical isomerism,
  • physical properties,
  • methods of preparation: from alcohols,
  • from alkynes,
  • chemical reactions: addition of hydrogen,
  • halogen,
  • water,
  • hydrogen halides (Markovnikov’s addition and peroxide effect),
  • ozonolysis,
  • oxidation,
  • mechanism of electrophilic addition.
  • Alkynes - nomenclature,
  • structure of triple bond (ethyne),
  • physical properties,
  • methods of preparation: from calcium carbide,
  • from vicinal dihalides,
  • from alkynes,
  • chemical reactions: acidic character of alkynes,
  • addition reaction of - hydrogen,
  • halogen,
  • water and hydrogen halides,
  • polymerization.

UNIT XIV: Environmental Chemistry

  • Environmental pollution: Air,
  • water and soil pollution,
  • chemical reactions in atmosphere,
  • smog,
  • major atmospheric pollutants,
  • acid rain,
  • ozone and its reactions,
  • effects of depletion of ozone layer,
  • greenhouse effect and global warming - pollution due to industrial wastes,
  • green chemistry as an alternative tool for reducing pollution,
  • strategies for controlling environmental pollution.


UNIT I: Solid State

  • Classification of solids,
  • crystal lattice,
  • unit cell,
  • calculation of density of unit cell,
  • packing in solids,
  • voids,
  • imperfections in solids,
  • electrical properties,
  • band theory of solids.

UNIT II: Solutions

UNIT III: Electrochemistry

UNIT IV: Chemical Kinetics

UNIT V: Surface Chemistry

  • Adsorption,
  • catalysis,
  • colloids - preparation and properties,
  • emulsions,
  • micelles,
  • purification of colloids,
  • dialysis,
  • electrophoresis.

UNIT VI: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

  • Occurrence of metals,
  • concentration of ores,
  • extraction of crude metal,
  • refining of metals,
  • thermodynamic and electrochemical principles of metallurgy.

UNIT VII: p-Block Elements

  • Group 13 to Group 18 elements,
  • general introduction,
  • electronic configuration,
  • occurrence,
  • trends in physical and chemical properties,
  • anomalous properties,
  • Boron - properties and compounds,
  • carbon - allotropes and compounds,
  • nitrogen - preparation and properties,
  • ammonia and nitric acid.

UNIT VIII: d and f Block Elements

UNIT IX: Coordination Compounds

  • Coordination compounds,
  • nomenclature,
  • isomerism,
  • bonding in coordination compounds,
  • Werner’s theory
  • Valence bond theory,
  • crystal field theory,
  • applications of coordination compounds.

UNIT X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

  • Haloalkanes - preparation,
  • properties,
  • reactions,
  • mechanism of SN1 and SN2 reactions,
  • uses,
  • Haloarenes - preparation,
  • properties,
  • uses,
  • environmental effects.

UNIT XI: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers

UNIT XII: Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids

  • Aldehyde and Ketones - preparation,
  • properties,
  • reactions,
  • uses,
  • Carboxylic Acids - preparation,
  • properties,
  • reactions,
  • uses.

UNIT XIII: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

  • Amines - preparation,
  • properties,
  • reactions,
  • uses,
  • Diazonium Salts - preparation,
  • properties,
  • reactions,
  • uses,
  • Cyanides and Isocyanides - preparation,
  • properties,
  • reactions,
  • uses.

UNIT XIV: Biomolecules

UNIT XV: Polymers

  • Classification,
  • polymerisation,
  • polymer properties,
  • biodegradable polymers,
  • commercial polymers.

UNIT XVI: Chemistry in Everyday Life

  • Drugs and pharmaceuticals,
  • cleansing agents,
  • food preservatives,
  • artificial sweetening agents,
  • antioxidants,
  • soaps and detergents.


UNIT I: Sets

UNIT II: Relations and Functions

UNIT III: Trigonometric Functions

  • Trigonometric ratios: Definition,
  • trigonometric identities,
  • trigonometric equations,
  • properties of triangles,
  • heights and distances.

UNIT IV: Principle of Mathematical Induction

  • Statement and verification of the principle,
  • applications.

UNIT V: Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

  • Complex Numbers
  • Definition,
  • algebraic operations,
  • modulus,
  • conjugate,
  • polar representation.
  • Quadratic equations:
  • Nature of roots
  • relationships between roots and coefficients.

UNIT VI: Linear Inequalities

  • Linear inequalities and their solutions,
  • graphical representation on number line.

UNIT VII: Permutations and Combinations

  • Fundamental principle of counting,
  • permutations,
  • combinations,
  • binomial theorem (positive integral indices only).

UNIT VIII: Sequence and Series

UNIT IX: Binomial Theorem

  • Binomial theorem for positive integral indices,
  • general term,
  • middle term,
  • properties.

UNIT X: Statistics and Probability


UNIT I: Relations and Functions

UNIT II: Inverse Trigonometric Functions

UNIT III: Matrices

  • Concept,
  • notation,
  • order,
  • equality,
  • types of matrices
  • operations (addition, multiplication by a scalar and multiplication of matrices),
  • transpose of a matrix,
  • determinant of a square matrix,
  • inverse of a matrix,
  • consistency,
  • inconsistency and number of solutions of system of linear equations by examples,
  • solving system of linear equations in two or three variables using inverse of a matrix (if it exists).

UNIT IV: Determinants

  • Determinant of a square matrix (up to 3 x 3 matrices),
  • properties of determinants
  • minors,
  • cofactors and applications of determinants
  • in finding the area of a triangle. Adjoint
  • inverse of a square matrix. Consistency,
  • inconsistency and number of solutions of system of linear equations by examples,
  • solving system of linear equations in two or three variables (having unique solution) using inverse of a matrix.

UNIT V: Continuity and Differentiability

UNIT VI: Applications of Derivatives

UNIT VII: Integrals

  • Integration as inverse process of differentiation. Integration of a variety of functions by substitution,
  • by partial fractions and by parts. Evaluation of simple integrals of the following types and problems based on them.
  • Definite integrals as a limit of a sum,
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus (without proof). Basic properties of definite integrals and evaluation of definite integrals

UNIT VIII: Applications of Integrals

  • Applications in finding the area under simple curves,
  • especially lines,
  • circles/parabolas/ellipses (in standard form only),
  • Area between any of the two above said curves (the region should be clearly identifiable).

UNIT IX: Differential Equations

  • Definition,
  • order and degree,
  • general and particular solutions of a differential equation
  • Formation of differential equation whose general solution is given
  • Solution of differential equations by method of separation of variables,
  • solutions of homogeneous differential equations of first order and first degree.

UNIT X: Vectors

  • Vectors and scalars,
  • addition of vectors,
  • components of a vector in two dimensions and three dimensional space,
  • scalar and vector products,
  • scalar and vector triple product.

UNIT XI: Three-Dimensional Geometry

  • Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points. Cartesian equation and vector equation of a line,
  • coplanar and skew lines
  • shortest distance between two lines. Cartesian and vector equation of a plane,
  • angle between two planes,
  • distance of a point from a plane.

UNIT XII: Linear Programming

  • Introduction,
  • related terminology such as constraints,
  • objective function,
  • optimization,
  • different types of linear programming (L.P.) problems,
  • mathematical formulation of L.P. problems,
  • graphical method of solution for problems in two variables,
  • feasible and infeasible regions (bounded),
  • feasible and infeasible solutions,
  • optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints).


UNIT I: Diversity in Living Organisms

  • Classification of living organisms,
  • basis of Classification,
  • five-kingdom Classification,
  • plant and animal kingdom Classification.

UNIT II: Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals

UNIT III: Cell Structure and Function

  • Cell theory,
  • structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
  • cell organelles and their functions,
  • Cell Division
  • mitosis
  • meiosis.

UNIT IV: Plant Physiology

UNIT V: Human Physiology

UNIT VI: Plant Reproduction

  • Modes of reproduction in plants: sexual and asexual reproduction,
  • flower structureand reproduction,
  • pollination,
  • fertilization,
  • seed formation.

UNIT VII: Human Reproduction

UNIT VIII: Genetics and Evolution

UNIT IX: Biology and Human Welfare

  • Health and disease
  • Common diseases,
  • immunity,
  • vaccines
  • AIDS,
  • cancer
  • tuberculosis.
  • Improvement in food production: Plant breeding,
  • tissue culture,
  • animal husbandry practices.

UNIT X: Biotechnology

  • Principles and processes of biotechnology,
  • applications in agriculture,
  • medicine,
  • and industry,
  • genetic engineering,
  • DNA technology.


UNIT I: Reproduction in Organisms

UNIT II: Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

  • Pre-fertilization: Structures and events - microsporangium,
  • pollen grain,
  • structure of anthers and ovaries,
  • pollination and its types.
  • Double fertilization
  • Process and events.
  • Post-fertilization: Structures and events - formation of endosperm and embryo,
  • development of seeds and formation of fruit
  • parthenogenesis and apomixis.

UNIT III: Human Reproduction

UNIT IV: Reproductive Health

  • Need for reproductive health,
  • problems and strategies for reproductive health,
  • adolescent issues,
  • population explosion,
  • birth control methods,
  • MTP,
  • STDs.

UNIT V: Principles of Inheritance and Variation

UNIT VI: Molecular Basis of Inheritance

UNIT VII: Evolution

  • Origin of life,
  • theories of evolution,
  • evidences for evolution - fossil records,
  • biogeography,
  • comparative anatomy
  • embryology,
  • molecular evidence,
  • adaptive radiation
  • convergent evolution,
  • divergent evolution,
  • human evolution
  • Hardy-Weinberg principle,
  • natural selection.

UNIT VIII: Human Health and Disease

UNIT IX: Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

  • Plant breeding - role of selection,
  • hybridization,
  • cross-pollination,
  • steps in plant breeding,
  • tissue culture methods,
  • single cell protein.

UNIT X: Microbes in Human Welfare

  • Microbes in household products,
  • industrial products,
  • sewage treatment
  • microbes as biocontrol agents,
  • antibiotics,
  • production of alcohol and antibiotics.

UNIT XI: Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

UNIT XII: Biotechnology and its Applications

UNIT XIII: Organisms and Populations

  • Organisms and environment,
  • habitat and niche,
  • population and ecological adaptations,
  • population interactions - mutualism,
  • competition,
  • predation,
  • parasitism,
  • population attributes,
  • population growth and regulation,
  • ecological succession.

UNIT XIV: Ecosystem

  • Ecosystem structure and function,
  • productivity,
  • energy flow,
  • nutrient cycling,
  • ecological pyramids,
  • ecological succession,
  • biogeochemical cycles,
  • conservation of biodiversity
  • biodiversity hotspots
  • endangered species,
  • conservation strategies.

UNIT XV: Biodiversity and Conservation