Haryana State Board


UNIT I: Physical World and Measurement

UNIT II: Kinematics

UNIT III: Laws of Motion

UNIT IV: Work, Energy, and Power

UNIT V: Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body

UNIT VI: Gravitation

UNIT VII: Properties of Bulk Matter

UNIT VIII: Thermodynamics

UNIT IX: Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory

UNIT X: Oscillations and Waves


UNIT I: Electrostatics

UNIT II: Current Electricity

UNIT III: Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism

UNIT IV: Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents

UNIT V: Electromagnetic Waves

UNIT VI: Optics

  • Reflection and refraction of light,
  • total internal reflection,
  • optical instruments (microscopes, telescopes),
  • wave nature of light,
  • Huygens’ principle,
  • interference
  • Young’s double slit experiment,
  • diffraction due to a single slit
  • resolving power of microscope and telescope.

UNIT VII: Dual Nature of Radiation and Matter

  • Photoelectric Effect
  • Einstein’s photoelectric equation,
  • particle nature of light,
  • matter waves,
  • de Broglie hypothesis,
  • Davisson-Germer experiment.

UNIT VIII: Atoms and Nuclei

UNIT IX: Electronic Devices

  • Semiconductor materials,
  • p-n junction diode,
  • semiconductor diode Characteristics,
  • diode as a rectifier,
  • special-purpose p-n junction diodes: LED,
  • photodiode,
  • solar cell,
  • Zener diode as a voltage regulator,
  • junction transistor,
  • transistor action,
  • transistor as an amplifier (CE configuration),
  • transistor as a switch.


UNIT I: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry

  • Importance of Chemistry,
  • solid,
  • liquid,
  • gas,
  • physical and chemical changes.

UNIT II: Structure of Atom

UNIT III: Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties

UNIT IV: Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure

UNIT V: States of Matter: Gases and Liquids

  • Gas laws,
  • kinetic theory of gases,
  • deviation from ideal behaviour,
  • liquefaction of gases,
  • properties of liquids,
  • vapour pressure,
  • surface tension,
  • viscosity.

UNIT VI: Thermodynamics

UNIT VII: Equilibrium

  • Equilibrium in physical and chemical processes,
  • dynamic nature of equilibrium,
  • law of mass action,
  • equilibrium constant,
  • factors affecting equilibrium,
  • ionic equilibrium,
  • pH scale

UNIT VIII: Redox Reactions

UNIT IX: Hydrogen

  • Position of hydrogen in periodic table,
  • isotopes of hydrogen,
  • properties and uses of hydrogen,
  • hydrides,
  • water,
  • heavy water,
  • hydrogen peroxide.

UNIT X: s-Block Elements (Alkali and Alkaline Earth Metals)

  • Group 1 and Group 2 elements,
  • occurrence,
  • electronic configuration,
  • trends in properties,
  • reactions with water,
  • oxides and halides,
  • uses.

UNIT X: Some p-Block Elements

  • Properties and Trends
  • Compounds of p-Block Elements

UNIT X: Organic Chemistry – Some Basic Principles and Techniques

  • Classification and Nomenclature
  • Methods of Preparation
  • Reactions and Mechanisms

UNIT X: Hydrocarbons

UNIT X: Environmental Chemistry

  • Pollution and Control
  • Green Chemistry
  • Sustainable Practices


UNIT I: Solid State

  • Classification of solids,
  • crystal lattice and unit cell,
  • packing in solids,
  • voids,
  • calculations involving unit cell dimensions,
  • imperfections in solids,
  • electrical,
  • magnetic and dielectric properties.

UNIT II: Solutions

UNIT III: Electrochemistry

UNIT IV: Chemical Kinetics

UNIT V: Surface Chemistry

  • Adsorption,
  • physisorption and chemisorption,
  • factors affecting adsorption of gases on solids,
  • catalysis,
  • homogeneous and heterogeneous activity and selectivity,
  • enzyme catalysis,
  • colloidal state,
  • distinction between true solutions,
  • colloids and suspension,
  • properties of colloids,
  • Tyndall effect,
  • Brownian movement,
  • electrophoresis,
  • coagulation.

UNIT VI: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

  • Principles and methods of extraction - concentration,
  • oxidation,
  • reduction - electrolytic method and refining; occurrence and principles of extraction of aluminum,
  • copper,
  • zinc,
  • iron,
  • lead,
  • and magnesium.

UNIT VII: p-Block Elements

  • Group 15 elements: General introduction,
  • electronic configuration,
  • occurrence,
  • oxidation states,
  • trends in physical and chemical properties; nitrogen,
  • preparation and properties of ammonia and nitric acid,
  • oxides of nitrogen (structure only); Phosphorus - allotropic forms,
  • compounds of phosphorus,
  • preparation and properties of phosphine,
  • halides (PCl3, PCl5) and oxoacids (elementary idea only).

UNIT VIII: d and f Block Elements

UNIT IX: Coordination Compounds

UNIT X: Haloalkanes and Haloarenes

  • Haloalkanes: Nomenclature
  • nature of C-X bond
  • physical and chemical properties,
  • mechanism of substitution reactions,
  • optical rotation.
  • Haloarenes:
  • Nature of C-X bond
  • substitution reactions (directive influence of halogen in monosubstituted compounds only),
  • uses and environmental effects of dichloromethane, trichloromethane, tetrachloromethane, iodoform, freons, DDT.

UNIT XI: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers

UNIT XII: Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen

  • Amines: Nomenclature
  • Classification,
  • structure,
  • methods of preparation,
  • physical and chemical properties, uses,
  • identification of primary,
  • secondary and tertiary amines.
  • Cyanides and Isocyanides: Nomenclature,
  • methods of preparation,
  • physical and chemical properties, uses.
  • Diazonium Salts
  • Preparation, chemical reactions and importance in synthetic organic chemistry.

UNIT XIII: Biomolecules

  • Carbohydrates:
  • Classification (aldoses and ketoses),
  • monosaccharides (glucose and fructose),
  • oligosaccharides (sucrose,
  • lactose,
  • maltose),
  • polysaccharides (starch,
  • cellulose,
  • glycogen),
  • importance of carbohydrates.
  • Proteins
  • Elementary idea of a-amino acids,
  • peptide bond, polypeptides
  • proteins,
  • primary,
  • secondary,
  • tertiary and quaternary structure of proteins (qualitative idea only),
  • denaturation of proteins,
  • enzymes
  • co-enzymes,
  • their mechanism of action,
  • activation energy,
  • enzymes specificity
  • enzyme cofactors,
  • enzyme inhibition,
  • isozymes.
  • Vitamins
  • Classification and functions.
  • Nucleic Acids: DNA and RNA
  • replication,
  • transcription,
  • genetic code,
  • gene expression and regulation.

UNIT XIV: Polymers

  • Classification: Natural and synthetic,
  • methods of polymerization (addition and condensation),
  • copolymerization,
  • some important polymers: natural rubber, cellulose, nylon, teflon, polythene, bakelite, PVC.

UNIT XV: Chemistry in Everyday Life

  • Chemicals in medicines - analgesics,
  • tranquilizers,
  • antiseptics,
  • disinfectants,
  • antimicrobials,
  • antifertility drugs,
  • antibiotics,
  • antacids,
  • antihistamines,
  • chemical in food - preservatives,
  • artificial sweetening agents,
  • elementary idea of antioxidants,
  • cleansing agents - soaps and detergents,
  • cleansing action.


UNIT I: Sets and Functions

UNIT II: Algebra

  • Principle of Mathematical Induction,
  • Complex Numbers
  • quadratic equations,
  • linear inequalities,
  • permutation and combination,
  • binomial theorem,
  • sequence and series.

UNIT III: Coordinate Geometry

  • Straight lines,
  • conic sections (circles,
  • parabola,
  • ellipse,
  • hyperbola),
  • introduction to three-dimensional geometry.

UNIT IV: Calculus

  • Limits
  • derivatives,
  • mathematical reasoning.

UNIT V: Statistics and Probability

  • Statistics: Measures of dispersion,
  • range,
  • mean deviation,
  • variance,
  • standard deviation.
  • Probability: Random experiments,
  • events,
  • classical definition of probability,
  • conditional probability,
  • Bayes’ theorem
  • probability distribution.


UNIT I: Relations and Functions

UNIT II: Algebra

UNIT III: Calculus

UNIT IV: Vectors and Three-Dimensional Geometry

  • Vectors: Vectors and scalars,
  • addition of vectors,
  • components of a vector in two dimensions and three-dimensional space,
  • scalar and vector products,
  • scalar triple product.
  • Three-Dimensional Geometry
  • Direction cosines and direction ratios of a line joining two points,
  • equations of lines and planes in space.

UNIT V: Linear Programming

  • Introduction to Linear Programming (L.P.),
  • mathematical formulation of L.P. problems,
  • graphical method of solution for problems in two variables,
  • feasible and infeasible regions,
  • feasible and infeasible solutions,
  • optimal feasible solutions (up to three non-trivial constraints).

UNIT VI: Probability

  • Conditional probability,
  • multiplication theorem on probability,
  • independent events,
  • total probability,
  • Bayes’ theorem
  • random variables and its probability distribution,
  • mean and variance of random variables,
  • Bernoulli trials and Binomial distribution.


UNIT I: Diversity of Living Organisms

  • Classification of living organisms,
  • biological Classification (five kingdom Classification system),
  • plant and animal kingdom Classification.

UNIT II: Structural Organisation in Plants and Animals

UNIT III: Cell Structure and Function

  • Cell theory,
  • structure of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells,
  • cell organelles and their functions,
  • Cell Division
  • mitosis
  • meiosis.

UNIT IV: Plant Physiology

UNIT V: Human Physiology


UNIT I: Reproduction

Sexual Reproduction in Flowering Plants

  • Flower structure
  • reproduction,
  • pollination,
  • fertilization,
  • development of embryo,
  • seed and fruit formation,
  • parthenocarpy,
  • apomixis.

Human Reproduction

Reproductive Health

  • Problems and strategies: Infertility,
  • contraception,
  • sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),
  • AIDS,
  • reproductive technologies - amniocentesis,
  • in vitro fertilization (IVF),
  • contraception methods.

UNIT II: Genetics and Evolution

Principles of Inheritance and Variation

Molecular Basis of Inheritance


UNIT III: Biology and Human Welfare

Strategies for Enhancement in Food Production

  • Plant breeding,
  • tissue culture,
  • single-cell protein,
  • biofortification,
  • aquaculture,
  • animal husbandry.

UNIT IV: Biotechnology and Its Applications

Biotechnology: Principles and Processes

Applications of Biotechnology in Agriculture

  • GM crops,
  • BT cotton,
  • golden rice,
  • tissue culture techniques,
  • micropropagation,
  • biofertilizers,
  • biopesticides.

Biotechnology in Medicine

UNIT V: Ecology and Environment

Organisms and Populations

  • Organism and its environment,
  • habitat and niche,
  • population attributes - growth,
  • birth rate,
  • death rate,
  • age distribution.


  • Structure and function,
  • energy flow,
  • nutrient cycling (carbon and phosphorus cycles),
  • ecological succession.

Biodiversity and Conservation

Environmental Issues

  • Air pollution and its control,
  • water pollution and its control,
  • solid waste management,
  • ozone depletion,
  • global warming and climate change,
  • deforestation.