
  1. Which number should replace the question mark in the following series? 2, 4, 7, ?, 15

[x] 10 [ ] 12 [ ] 8 [ ] 11

  1. If the letters in the word “LEADER” are arranged in reverse order, which letter will be the third letter from the right end?

[x] D [ ] A [ ] E [ ] R

  1. Which digit should replace the question mark in the following series? 3, 1, 7, 5, 9, ?

[ ] 2 [x] 11 [ ] 10 [ ] 12

  1. What is the next letter in the following sequence? A, C, F, I, L, ?

[ ] M [x] N [ ] O [ ] P

  1. Which number should replace the question mark in the following series? 11, 13, 16, 19, ?, 25

[ ] 20 [ ] 21 [ ] 22 [x] 24

  1. If the word “SCIENTIST” is written as “ISTTENICIS”, how would the word “MUSIC” be written in that code?

[ ] ICUSM [x] CSMIU [ ] ICSU [ ] SCIM

  1. Which digit should replace the question mark in the following series? 2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ?

[ ] 36 [x] 37 [ ] 38 [ ] 39

  1. What is the next letter in the following sequence? B, D, F, H, J, L, N, ?

[ ] O [x] P [ ] Q [ ] R

  1. Which number should replace the question mark in the following series? 5, 10, 17, 26, 41, ?

[ ] 61 [x] 62 [ ] 63 [ ] 64

  1. If the word “REALITY” is written as “TIALER”, how would the word “MATHEMATICS” be written in that code?


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