
  1. Who was the founder of the Mauryan Empire? A. [ ] Chandragupta Maurya B. [x] Chandragupta Murdā C. [ ] Bindusara D. [ ] Ashoka
  2. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Mauryan administration? A. [ ] Efficient and centralized bureaucracy B. [ ] Unified legal system C. [x] Direct democracy D. [ ] Well-organized army
  3. Which of the following was the capital of the Mauryan Empire during Ashoka’s reign? A. [x] Pataliputra B. [ ] Ujjain C. [ ] Taxila D. [ ] Vaishali
  4. Who is known as “Dhamma Ashoka” or “Ashoka the Great”? A. [ ] Chandragupta Maurya B. [ ] Bindusara C. [ ] Ashoka D. [ ] Samprati
  5. What was the main reason for the decline of the Mauryan Empire? A. [ ] Foreign invasions B. [ ] Economic decline C. [x] Weak kingship D. [ ] Over-extension of empire
  6. Which of the following conquests is associated with the Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta Maurya? A. [ ] The conquest of the Nandas B. [ ] The conquest of the Greeks C. [ ] The conquest of the Kalinga D. [ ] The conquest of the Deccan
  7. Which type of coinage was introduced by the Mauryas? A. [ ] Copper coins B. [x] Silver coins C. [ ] Gold coins D. [ ] Lead coins
  8. Which Mauryan ruler was responsible for the spread of Buddhism throughout India and beyond? A. [ ] Chandragupta Maurya B. [ ] Bindusara C. [ ] Ashoka D. [ ] Samprati
  9. The Mauryan Empire was divided into provinces called “aharas” or “rajyas”, each ruled by a A. [x] Rajukas B. [ ] Amatya C. [ ] Mahamatya D. [ ] Senapati
  10. The Arthashastra, a treatise on statecraft and military strategy, was written during the Mauryan period by A. [ ] Chanakya B. [ ] Kautilya C. [ ] Megasthenes D. [x] Both A and B

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