
  1. A bookstore sold a total of 450 books in a month, with hardcover books making up 60% of the total sales. How many hardcover books were sold?

[ ] 135 [ ] 225 [x] 270 [ ] 315

  1. A store purchased 120 items at a cost of $5 each. If the store sold each item for $8, what was the profit per item?

[ ] $1 [x] $3 [ ] $5 [ ] $7

  1. If a car dealership has a profit margin of 15% on the sale of a car, and the car is sold for $25,000, what was the cost to the dealership for the car?

[ ] $21,250 [ ] $22,500 [ ] $23,750 [x] $28,571.43

  1. A company produced 12,000 units of a product and sold 90% of them. How many units did the company sell?

[ ] 1,080 [ ] 1,800 [x] 10,800 [ ] 11,700

  1. If a company had a revenue of $50,000 and total costs of $30,000, what was the profit?

[x] $20,000 [ ] $30,000 [ ] $40,000 [ ] $50,000

  1. A manufacturer has a fixed cost of $50,000 and a variable cost of $10 per unit produced. If the manufacturer produces 10,000 units, what is the total cost?

[ ] $60,000 [x] $60,000 [ ] $150,000 [ ] $160,000

  1. If a company has a cost of goods sold (COGS) of $100,000 and operating expenses of $30,000, what is the total expenses?

[x] $130,000 [ ] $160,000 [ ] $230,000 [ ] $260,000

  1. If a company has a profit of $20,000, revenue of $100,000, and operating expenses of $70,000, what is the cost of goods sold (COGS)?

[x] $10,000 [ ] $30,000 [ ] $50,000 [ ] $70,000

  1. If a company has a gross profit margin of 30% and a net profit margin of 10%, what is the operating profit margin?

[ ] 10% [ ] 15% [ ] 20% [x] 25%

  1. A company has a revenue of $50,000, a cost of goods sold (COGS) of $20,000, and a gross profit of $30,000. What are the operating expenses?

[ ] $10,000 [ ] $20,000 [x] $30,000 [ ] $40,000

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