English Language and Comprehension

Understanding Tenses Concept Time Verb Forms and Types

Understanding Tenses Concept Time Verb Forms and Types

##### Which of the following sentences is in the present simple tense? 1. [ ] I am eating an apple. 2. [ ] She reads a book every night. 3. [ ] They are going to the park. 4. [x] He lives in New York. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the past simple tense? 1. [x] They traveled to Europe last year. 2. [ ] She is studying for the test. 3. [ ] I was working all day. 4. [ ] He will call you later. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the present perfect tense? 1. [ ] I will finish the project tomorrow. 2. [ ] She visited her grandparents last weekend. 3. [ ] They have been waiting for hours. 4. [x] He had already eaten dinner. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the future perfect tense? 1. [ ] I have read the book twice. 2. [ ] She will be here by 5 pm. 3. [ ] They will have finished the assignment by lunchtime. 4. [x] He will have been working for 10 hours by then. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the past continuous tense? 1. [ ] I was reading a book when you arrived. 2. [ ] She sings beautifully. 3. [ ] They were playing soccer in the park. 4. [x] He was studying for the exam all night. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the present perfect continuous tense? 1. [ ] I have known her for five years. 2. [ ] She has been to Paris twice. 3. [x] They have been waiting for two hours. 4. [ ] He has lived in London since 2010. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the past perfect continuous tense? 1. [ ] I had known him for years. 2. [ ] She had been to Japan before. 3. [x] They had been studying for hours when the teacher arrived. 4. [ ] He had lived in Rome since 2000. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the future perfect continuous tense? 1. [ ] I will have known him for ten years. 2. [ ] She will have been to Canada twice. 3. [ ] They will have been waiting for three hours. 4. [x] He will have been working on the project for a month. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the present tense (base form)? 1. [ ] I am eating an apple. 2. [x] She reads a book every night. 3. [ ] They are going to the park. 4. [ ] He lives in New York. ##### Which of the following sentences is in the past tense (base form)? 1. [x] They traveled to Europe last year. 2. [ ] She studies every day. 3. [ ] I was working all day. 4. [ ] He will call you later. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the past simple tense. 1. [ ] I (visit) my grandparents every summer when I was a child. 2. [x] They (decide) to move to a new house. 3. [ ] She (need) help with her homework. 4. [ ] He (go) to the gym three times a week. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the present perfect tense. 1. [ ] I (visit) my grandparents last week. 2. [x] They (decide) to move to a new house recently. 3. [ ] She (need) help with her homework yesterday. 4. [ ] He (go) to the gym this morning. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the future perfect tense. 1. [ ] I (visit) my grandparents next week. 2. [ ] They (decide) to move to a new house by the end of the year. 3. [x] She (need) help with her homework by tomorrow. 4. [ ] He (go) to the gym after work. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the past continuous tense. 1. [x] I (visit) my grandparents last summer when they (have) a party. 2. [ ] They (decide) to move to a new house. 3. [ ] She (need) help with her homework. 4. [ ] He (go) to the gym three times a week. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the present perfect continuous tense. 1. [ ] I (visit) my grandparents last week. 2. [ ] They (decide) to move to a new house recently. 3. [x] She (need) help with her homework for a long time. 4. [ ] He (go) to the gym three times a week. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the past perfect continuous tense. 1. [ ] I (visit) my grandparents when they (have) a party. 2. [x] They (decide) to move to a new house before they (sell) their old one. 3. [ ] She (need) help with her homework. 4. [ ] He (go) to the gym three times a week. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the future perfect continuous tense. 1. [ ] I (visit) my grandparents next week. 2. [x] They (decide) to move to a new house by the end of the year, so they (have) been living in their current house for five years. 3. [ ] She (need) help with her homework tomorrow. 4. [ ] He (go) to the gym after work. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the present tense (base form). 1. [ ] I (visited) my grandparents last week. 2. [x] They (decide) to move to a new house. 3. [ ] She (needs) help with her homework. 4. [ ] He (goes) to the gym three times a week. ##### Choose the correct form of the verb in brackets to complete the sentence in the past tense (base form). 1. [x] I (visited) my grandparents last week. 2. [ ] They (decide) to move to a new house. 3. [ ] She (needed) help with her homework. 4. [x] He (went) to the gym three times a week. ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "I had been studying for the exam all night." 1. [x] Past perfect continuous 2. [ ] Present perfect continuous 3. [ ] Future perfect continuous 4. [ ] Present perfect ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "They will have been waiting for two hours." 1. [ ] Present perfect continuous 2. [x] Future perfect continuous 3. [ ] Past perfect continuous 4. [ ] Present perfect ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "She reads a book every night." 1. [ ] Present continuous 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [ ] Present perfect continuous 4. [x] Present simple ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "He was working on the project for a month." 1. [ ] Present perfect continuous 2. [x] Past perfect continuous 3. [ ] Future perfect continuous 4. [ ] Present perfect ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "They will finish the project tomorrow." 1. [ ] Present simple 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [x] Future simple 4. [ ] Present perfect continuous ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "She had visited her grandparents last weekend." 1. [x] Past perfect 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [ ] Future perfect 4. [ ] Present perfect continuous ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "I will have known him for ten years." 1. [x] Future perfect 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [ ] Past perfect 4. [ ] Present perfect continuous ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "I am eating an apple." 1. [x] Present continuous 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [ ] Present perfect continuous 4. [ ] Present simple ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "I have been eating an apple." 1. [ ] Present simple 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [x] Present perfect continuous 4. [ ] Present continuous ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "I had eaten an apple." 1. [x] Past perfect 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [ ] Future perfect 4. [ ] Present perfect continuous ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "I will eat an apple." 1. [x] Future simple 2. [ ] Present simple 3. [ ] Present perfect 4. [ ] Present perfect continuous ##### Identify the verb tense of the following sentence: "I will be eating an apple." 1. [ ] Present simple 2. [ ] Present perfect 3. [ ] Present perfect continuous 4. [x] Future continuous

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