English Language and Comprehension

Nouns Basics and Categories

Nouns Basics and Categories


##### Which of the following is a proper noun? 1. [ ] house 2. [ ] dog 3. [ ] James 4. [ ] blue ##### Which of the following sentences is in the past tense? 1. [ ] I sings. 2. [ ] They eat. 3. [x] I sang. 4. [ ] She has. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a possessive noun? 1. [ ] The dog tail wagged. 2. [ ] The cat's fur is soft. 3. [ ] The cars drive fast. 4. [ ] The children play. ##### Which of the following sentences uses an irregular plural noun? 1. [ ] The childrens are playing. 2. [x] The mice are in the wall. 3. [ ] The dogs are barking. 4. [ ] The cats are sleeping. ##### Which of the following sentences uses an article correctly? 1. [ ] I have dog. 2. [ ] I have a dog. 3. [ ] I have the dog. 4. [x] I have a cat. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a contraction correctly? 1. [x] I'm going to the store. 2. [ ] Im going to the store. 3. [ ] I am going to the store. 4. [ ] I'm going to the stores. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a comparative adjective correctly? 1. [ ] She is more taller than me. 2. [ ] She is more tall than me. 3. [x] She is taller than me. 4. [ ] She is taled than me. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a superlative adjective correctly? 1. [ ] She is the most tallest person in the class. 2. [ ] She is the most tall person in the class. 3. [ ] She is the tallest person in the class. 4. [x] She is the tallest of all the students. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a present perfect verb correctly? 1. [x] I have eaten lunch. 2. [ ] I has eaten lunch. 3. [ ] I have eating lunch. 4. [ ] I eat lunch. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a past perfect verb correctly? 1. [ ] I had went to the store. 2. [ ] I had go to the store. 3. [x] I had gone to the store. 4. [ ] I had going to the store. ##### Which of the following sentences use pronouns correctly? 1. [x] Sarah and I went to the movies. 2. [ ] Sarah and me went to the movies. 3. [ ] Sarah and I goes to the movies. 4. [ ] I and Sarah goes to the movies. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a subordinating conjunction correctly? 1. [x] Although she was tired, she went for a walk. 2. [ ] Because she was tired, she went for a walk. 3. [ ] Even thought she was tired, she went for a walk. 4. [ ] Despite she was tired, she went for a walk. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a coordinating conjunction correctly? 1. [x] I wanted to go for a walk, but it was raining. 2. [ ] I wanted to go for a walk but it was raining. 3. [ ] I wanted to go for a walk, and it was raining. 4. [ ] I wanted go for a walk but it was raining. ##### Which of the following sentences uses an infinitive correctly? 1. [x] I wanted to go for a walk. 2. [ ] I wanted go for a walk. 3. [ ] I wanted going for a walk. 4. [ ] I went for a walk. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a gerund correctly? 1. [ ] I like running. 2. [x] I like to run. 3. [ ] I likes running. 4. [ ] I likes to run. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a modal verb correctly? 1. [ ] I will can go for a walk tomorrow. 2. [x] I can go for a walk tomorrow. 3. [ ] I could can go for a walk yesterday. 4. [ ] I can goes for a walk tomorrow. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a relative pronoun correctly? 1. [x] This is the book that I was reading. 2. [ ] This is the book what I was reading. 3. [ ] This is the book who I was reading. 4. [ ] This is the book that I read. ##### Which of the following sentences uses an indefinite pronoun correctly? 1. [ ] Everyone of us wants to go for a walk. 2. [x] Everyone wants to go for a walk. 3. [ ] Everyone want to go for a walk. 4. [ ] One of us wants to go for a walk. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a reflexive pronoun correctly? 1. [x] I hurt myself. 2. [ ] I hurts myself. 3. [ ] I hurt my self. 4. [ ] I hurts my self. ##### Which of the following sentences uses a passive voice correctly? 1. [ ] The dog is being chased by the cat. 2. [x] The cat is being chased by the dog. 3. [ ] The dog chases the cat. 4. [ ] The cat chases. ##### Which of the following sentences uses an active voice correctly? 1. [x] The dog chased the cat. 2. [ ] The cat was chased by the dog. 3. [ ] The dog is chasing the cat. 4. [ ] The cat was chased.

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