English Language and Comprehension

Comprehension Concepts and Techniques

Comprehension Concepts and Techniques

##### Which of the following is not a type of poisonous snake? 1. [ ] Rattlesnake 2. [ ] Cottonmouth 3. [x] Boa constrictor 4. [ ] Copperhead #### What is the capital of France? 1. [ ] London 2. [ ] Berlin 3. [x] Paris 4. [ ] Madrid #### Who wrote "To Kill a Mockingbird"? 1. [ ] J.D. Salinger 2. [ ] Harper Lee 3. [ ] F. Scott Fitzgerald 4. [ ] Mark Twain #### Which planet is closest to the sun? 1. [x] Mercury 2. [ ] Venus 3. [ ] Earth 4. [ ] Mars #### What is the largest continent by land area? 1. [ ] Europe 2. [ ] North America 3. [x] Asia 4. [ ] Africa #### Which of these languages is not a Romance language? 1. [ ] Spanish 2. [ ] French 3. [ ] German 4. [x] Dutch #### What is the smallest planet in our solar system? 1. [ ] Earth 2. [ ] Mars 3. [ ] Mercury 4. [x] Pluto #### Which of these countries does not border Germany? 1. [ ] Austria 2. [ ] France 3. [ ] Russia 4. [x] Spain #### Which of these languages is not a Germanic language? 1. [x] Italian 2. [ ] German 3. [ ] Swedish 4. [ ] Dutch #### What is the largest ocean in the world? 1. [ ] Indian Ocean 2. [ ] Atlantic Ocean 3. [x] Pacific Ocean 4. [ ] Arctic Ocean #### Which of these elements is a noble gas? 1. [x] Neon 2. [ ] Sodium 3. [ ] Aluminum 4. [ ] Oxygen #### Who was the first person to walk on the moon? 1. [ ] Buzz Aldrin 2. [x] Neil Armstrong 3. [ ] Michael Collins 4. [ ] Yuri Gagarin #### Which of these animals is a marsupial? 1. [ ] Elephant 2. [ ] Giraffe 3. [x] Kangaroo 4. [ ] Rhinoceros #### What is the tallest mountain in the world? 1. [ ] K2 2. [ ] Denali 3. [x] Mount Everest 4. [ ] Kilimanjaro #### Which of these countries does not border the Mediterranean Sea? 1. [ ] Spain 2. [ ] Italy 3. [ ] Greece 4. [x] Switzerland #### Which of these is not a type of bean? 1. [x] Kiwi 2. [ ] Lima 3. [ ] Kidney 4. [ ] Black-eyed pea #### Who was the first president of the United States? 1. [ ] Thomas Jefferson 2. [ ] George Washington 3. [ ] Abraham Lincoln 4. [ ] John Adams #### Which of these is not a type of nut? 1. [x] Casava 2. [ ] Peanut 3. [ ] Walnut 4. [ ] Almond #### What is the largest mammal in the world? 1. [x] Elephant 2. [ ] Blue whale 3. [ ] Giraffe 4. [ ] Rhinoceros #### Which of these instruments is a brass instrument? 1. [x] Trombone 2. [ ] Flute 3. [ ] Clarinet 4. [ ] Harp #### Who was the first woman to win a Nobel Prize? 1. [ ] Marie Curie 2. [ ] Rosalind Franklin 3. [ ] Ada Lovelace 4. [ ] Grace Hopper #### Which of these is not a type of citrus fruit? 1. [x] Durian 2. [ ] Orange 3. [ ] Grapefruit 4. [ ] Lemon #### Who painted the Mona Lisa? 1. [ ] Claude Monet 2. [ ] Vincent Van Gogh 3. [x] Leonardo da Vinci 4. [ ] Pablo Picasso #### Which of these classical composers is from Germany? 1. [ ] Johann Sebastian Bach 2. [ ] Ludwig van Beethoven 3. [x] Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart 4. [ ] Franz Joseph Haydn #### Which of these is not a member of the United Nations? 1. [x] Vatican City 2. [ ] France 3. [ ] United States 4. [ ] China #### Which of these elements is not a noble gas? 1. [x] Argon 2. [ ] Radon 3. [ ] Helium 4. [ ] Iodine #### Who was the first American to win the World Chess Championship? 1. [ ] Bobby Fischer 2. [x] Paul Morphy 3. [ ] Garry Kasparov 4. [ ] Magnus Carlsen #### Which of these animals is a rodent? 1. [ ] Elephant 2. [ ] Giraffe 3. [ ] Rat 4. [ ] Shark #### Which of these is not a type of triangle? 1. [ ] Isosceles 2. [ ] Equilateral 3. [ ] Obtuse 4. [x] Rectangle #### Who was the first black president of the United States? 1. [ ] Barack Obama 2. [x] Joe Biden 3. [ ] Bill Clinton 4. [ ] George Washington #### Which of these is not a type of dinosaur? 1. [ ] Tyrannosaurus Rex 2. [ ] Velociraptor 3. [ ] Stegosaurus 4. [x] Koala #### Who was the first person to successfully climb Mount Everest? 1. [ ] Sir Edmund Hillary 2. [x] Tenzing Norgay 3. [ ] George Mallory 4. [ ] Reinhold Messner #### Which of these is not a type of apple? 1. [x] Rhubarb 2. [ ] Granny Smith 3. [ ] Gala 4. [ ] Fuji #### Who was the first human to go to space? 1. [x] Yuri Gagarin 2. [ ] Neil Armstrong 3. [ ] Buzz Aldrin 4. [ ] Michael Collins #### Which of these is not a type of berry? 1. [x] Tomato 2. [ ] Strawberry 3. [ ] Blueberry 4. [ ] Blackberry #### Who was the first American to walk in space? 1. [ ] Neil Armstrong 2. [ ] Buzz Aldrin 3. [ ] Gus Grissom 4. [x] Alan Shepard #### Who was the first European to reach India by sea? 1. [ ] Christopher Columbus 2. [x] Vasco da Gama 3. [ ] Ferdinand Magellan 4. [ ] Marco Polo #### Which of these is not a type of vegetable? 1. [x] Banana 2. [ ] Broccoli 3. [ ] Lettuce 4. [ ] Spinach #### Who was the first woman in space? 1. [ ] Sally Ride 2. [x] Valentina Tereshkova 3. [ ] Mae Jemison 4. [ ] Eileen Collins #### Which of these is not a type of seafood? 1. [x] Buffalo 2. [ ] Shrimp 3. [ ] Lobster 4. [ ] Crab #### Who was the first European to cross the Atlantic Ocean? 1. [ ] Christopher Columbus 2. [x] Juan Ponce de Leon 3. [ ] Amerigo Vespucci 4. [ ] Vasco da Gama #### Who was the first American to win an Oscar for Best Actor? 1. [ ] Marlon Brando 2. [ ] Jack Nicholson 3. [x] Spencer Tracy 4. [ ] Daniel Day-Lewis #### Who was the first woman to win the Nobel Prize in Physics? 1. [ ] Marie Curie 2. [ ] Dorothy Hodgkin 3. [ ] Donna Strickland 4. [x] Maria Goeppert-Mayer #### Which of these is not a type of pasta? 1. [x] Cornflakes 2. [ ] Spaghetti 3. [ ] Fettuccine 4. [ ] Rotini #### Who was the first African-American to win an Oscar for Best Actor? 1. [ ] Jamie Foxx 2. [ ] Denzel Washington 3. [ ] Sidney Poitier 4. [x] Morgan Freeman #### Who was the first woman to run for president of the United States? 1. [ ] Barbara Jordan 2. [ ] Geraldine Ferraro 3. [ ] Hillary Clinton 4. [x] Victoria Woodhull #### Who was the first Hispanic-American to win an Oscar for Best Actor? 1. [ ] Martin Sheen 2. [ ] Jimmy Smits 3. [ ] Benicio Del Toro 4. [x] Anthony Quinn #### Who was the first Asian-American to win an Oscar for Best Actor? 1. [ ] Sessue Hayakawa 2. [ ] Mako Iwamatsu 3. [x] Ben Kingsley 4. [ ] Ken Watanabe #### Who was the first Native American to win an Oscar for Best Actor? 1. [ ] Wes Studi 2. [ ] Will Sampson 3. [x] Graham Greene 4. [ ] Jay Silverheels #### Who was the first person to swim across the English Channel? 1. [ ] Matthew Webb 2. [x] Gertrude Ederle 3. [ ] Florence Chadwick 4. [ ] Diana Nyad #### Who was the first person to climb all fourteen "eight-thousanders"? 1. [ ] Reinhold Messner 2. [x] Jerzy Kukuczka 3. [ ] Krzysztof Wielicki 4. [ ] Carlos Carsolio #### Who was the first person to fly solo nonstop and unrefueled across the Atlantic? 1. [ ] Charles Lindbergh 2. [x] Amelia Earhart 3. [ ] Wiley Post 4. [ ] Howard Hughes #### Who was the first American woman to go to space? 1. [ ] Sally Ride 2. [x] Valentina Tereshkova 3. [ ] Mae Jemison 4. [ ] Eileen Collins #### Who was the first person to orbit the Earth? 1. [ ] Yuri Gagarin 2. [x] Alan Shepard 3. [ ] Gus Grissom 4. [ ] John Glenn #### Who was the first African-American to win an Oscar for Best Director? 1. [ ] Spike Lee 2. [ ] John Singleton 3. [x] Steven Spielberg 4. [ ] Barry Jenkins

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