English Language and Comprehension

Synonyms Recap Exam Favorites

Synonyms Recap Exam Favorites


1. ### What is another word for "happy"? 1. [ ] Angry 2. [ ] Sad 3. [x] Joyful 4. [ ] Tired 2. ### What is the synonym for "big"? 1. [ ] Small 2. [x] Large 3. [ ] Red 4. [ ] Square 3. ### What is another word for "knowledge"? 1. [ ] Ignorance 2. [ ] Tired 3. [x] Wisdom 4. [ ] Strength 4. ### What is the synonym for "start"? 1. [ ] Finish 2. [x] Begin 3. [ ] Pause 4. [ ] Rewind 5. ### What is another word for "sad"? 1. [x] Depressed 2. [ ] Happy 3. [ ] Excited 4. [ ] Angry 6. ### What is the synonym for "go"? 1. [ ] Stop 2. [x] Move 3. [ ] Stay 4. [ ] Wait 7. ### What is another word for "intelligent"? 1. [ ] Dumb 2. [ ] Slow 3. [x] Smart 4. [ ] Fast 8. ### What is the synonym for "beautiful"? 1. [ ] Ugly 2. [ ] Horrible 3. [ ] Unattractive 4. [x] Pretty 9. ### What is another word for "strong"? 1. [ ] Weak 2. [x] Powerful 3. [ ] Slow 4. [ ] Quick 10. ### What is the synonym for "end"? 1. [x] Finish 2. [ ] Begin 3. [ ] Continue 4. [ ] Pause 11. ### What is another word for "rich"? 1. [ ] Poor 2. [ ] Broke 3. [ ] Wealthy 4. [x] Affluent 12. ### What is the synonym for "help"? 1. [ ] Hurt 2. [ ] Sabotage 3. [x] Assist 4. [ ] Ignore 13. ### What is another word for "smart"? 1. [ ] Stupid 2. [x] Intelligent 3. [ ] Slow 4. [ ] Fast 14. ### What is the synonym for "difficult"? 1. [x] Hard 2. [ ] Easy 3. [ ] Simple 4. [ ] Straightforward 15. ### What is another word for "fun"? 1. [ ] Boring 2. [ ] Dull 3. [x] Enjoyable 4. [ ] Sad 16. ### What is the synonym for "full"? 1. [ ] Empty 2. [ ] Half-full 3. [x] Complete 4. [ ] Incomplete 17. ### What is another word for "white"? 1. [ ] Black 2. [ ] Brown 3. [ ] Red 4. [x] Clear 18. ### What is the synonym for "slow"? 1. [x] Gradual 2. [ ] Fast 3. [ ] Quick 4. [ ] Swift 19. ### What is another word for "different"? 1. [ ] Same 2. [ ] Identical 3. [x] Distinct 4. [ ] Similar 20. ### What is the synonym for "calm"? 1. [ ] Angry 2. [ ] Nervous 3. [ ] Excited 4. [x] Peaceful 21. ### What is another word for "next"? 1. [ ] Previous 2. [ ] Before 3. [x] Following 4. [ ] After 22. ### What is the synonym for "important"? 1. [ ] Unimportant 2. [ ] Trivial 3. [ ] Minor 4. [x] Significant 23. ### What is another word for "far"? 1. [x] Distant 2. [ ] Near 3. [ ] Close 4. [ ] Nearby 24. ### What is the synonym for "high"? 1. [ ] Low 2. [ ] Bottom 3. [ ] Ground 4. [x] Top 25. ### What is another word for "true"? 1. [ ] False 2. [ ] Incorrect 3. [ ] Wrong 4. [x] Genuine 26. ### What is the synonym for "blue"? 1. [x] Azure 2. [ ] Green 3. [ ] Red 4. [ ] White 27. ### What is another word for "old"? 1. [x] Ancient 2. [ ] New 3. [ ] Modern 4. [ ] Recent 28. ### What is the synonym for "good"? 1. [ ] Bad 2. [ ] Evil 3. [ ] Harmful 4. [x] Nice 29. ### What is another word for "you"? 1. [ ] It 2. [ ] She 3. [ ] He 4. [x] Yourself 30. ### What is the synonym for "loud"? 1. [ ] Silent 2. [ ] Quiet 3. [ ] Peaceful 4. [x] Noisy 31. ### What is another word for "important"? 1. [ ] Unimportant 2. [ ] Trivial 3. [ ] Minor 4. [x] Significant 32. ### What is the synonym for "life"? 1. [ ] Death 2. [ ] Dead 3. [ ] Nonexistence 4. [x] Existence 33. ### What is another word for "time"? 1. [x] Moment 2. [ ] Space 3. [ ] Place 4. [ ] Duration 34. ### What is the synonym for "night"? 1. [ ] Morning 2. [ ] Day 3. [x] Evening 4. [ ] Sunrise 35. ### What is another word for "water"? 1. [x] Liquid 2. [ ] Solid 3. [ ] Gas 4. [ ] Fire 36. ### What is the synonym for "person"? 1. [ ] Vehicle 2. [ ] Object 3. [x] Individual 4. [ ] Thing 37. ### What is another word for "car"? 1. [x] Automobile 2. [ ] Animal 3. [ ] Bicycle 4. [ ] Plane 38. ### What is the synonym for "goodbye"? 1. [ ] Hello 2. [ ] Nice to meet you 3. [ ] See you later 4. [x] Farewell 39. ### What is another word for "day"? 1. [x] Twenty-four hours 2. [ ] Night 3. [ ] Morning 4. [ ] Evening 40. ### What is the synonym for "many"? 1. [x] Numerous 2. [ ] One 3. [ ] Two 4. [ ] Few 41. ### What is another word for "over"? 1. [ ] Under 2. [ ] Below 3. [ ] Beneath 4. [x] Above 42. ### What is the synonym for "house"? 1. [x] Home 2. [ ] School 3. [ ] Office 4. [ ] Gym 43. ### What is another word for "food"? 1. [x] Nourishment 2. [ ] Water 3. [ ] Clothes 4. [ ] Shelter 44. ### What is the synonym for "home"? 1. [x] House 2. [ ] Work 3. [ ] Playground 4. [ ] Restaurant 45. ### What is another word for "family"? 1. [x] Kin 2. [ ] Enemies 3. [ ] Strangers 4. [ ] Neighbors 46. ### What is the synonym for "week"? 1. [x] Seven days 2. [ ] Month 3. [ ] Year 4. [ ] Decade 47. ### What is another word for "hand"? 1. [x] Palm 2. [ ] Foot 3. [ ] Arm 4. [ ] Leg 48. ### What is the synonym for "book"? 1. [x] Publication 2. [ ] Table 3. [ ] Chair 4. [ ] Window 49. ### What is another word for "game"? 1. [x] Play 2. [ ] Work 3. [ ] Study 4. [ ] Sleep 50. ### What is the synonym for "cloud"? 1. [x] Fog 2. [ ] Sun 3. [ ] Moon 4. [ ] Star

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