English Language and Comprehension

One Word Substitution Exam Favorites

One Word Substitution Exam Favorites

1. What is the past tense of "run"? 1. [ ] running 2. [ ] ran 3. [x] run 4. [ ] raned 1. What is the antonym of "happy"? 1. [x] sad 2. [ ] happy 3. [ ] good 4. [ ] glad 1. What is the synonym of "intelligent"? 1. [ ] happy 2. [x] smart 3. [ ] good 4. [ ] bright 1. What is the collective noun for a group of lions? 1. [x] pride 2. [ ] school 3. [ ] herd 4. [ ] pack 1. What is the past participle of "see"? 1. [x] seen 2. [ ] see 3. [ ] seing 4. [ ] sae 1. What is the past tense of "go"? 1. [ ] went 2. [x] went 3. [ ] goed 4. [ ] going 1. What is the plural of "child"? 1. [x] children 2. [ ] childs 3. [ ] childs' 4. [ ] childer 1. What is the antonym of "big"? 1. [ ] big 2. [ ] smallest 3. [ ] bigger 4. [x] small 1. What is the synonym of "warm"? 1. [ ] cold 2. [ ] hot 3. [x] mild 4. [ ] nice 1. What is the collective noun for a group of birds? 1. [ ] herd 2. [x] flock 3. [ ] school 4. [ ] pack 1. What is the past tense of "take"? 1. [ ] taken 2. [x] took 3. [ ] taking 4. [ ] take 1. What is the plural of "man"? 1. [x] men 2. [ ] mann 3. [ ] mans 4. [ ] man 1. What is the antonym of "far"? 1. [ ] near 2. [x] far 3. [ ] further 4. [ ] farest 1. What is the synonym of "easy"? 1. [ ] easy 2. [ ] hard 3. [x] simple 4. [ ] difficult 1. What is the past tense of "eat"? 1. [x] ate 2. [ ] eating 3. [ ] eated 4. [ ] eat 1. What is the antonym of "closed"? 1. [x] open 2. [ ] closed 3. [ ] opener 4. [ ] opening 1. What is the synonym of "rich"? 1. [ ] poor 2. [x] wealthy 3. [ ] wealthy' 4. [ ] richer 1. What is the past participle of "find"? 1. [x] found 2. [ ] fount 3. [ ] finding 4. [ ] find 1. What is the plural of "woman"? 1. [ ] women 2. [x] women 3. [ ] womens 4. [ ] womans 1. What is the antonym of "up"? 1. [x] down 2. [ ] up 3. [ ] uper 4. [ ] upping 1. What is the synonym of "cheerful"? 1. [ ] sad 2. [x] happy 3. [ ] gloomy 4. [ ] angry 1. What is the past tense of "write"? 1. [x] wrote 2. [ ] writing 3. [ ] writed 4. [ ] write 1. What is the plural of "foot"? 1. [x] feet 2. [ ] foots 3. [ ] foots' 4. [ ] fote 1. What is the antonym of "crooked"? 1. [ ] crooked 2. [ ] straighter 3. [ ] straightest 4. [x] straight 1. What is the synonym of "fast"? 1. [x] quick 2. [ ] slow 3. [ ] fasten 4. [ ] fasting 1. What is the past tense of "show"? 1. [x] showed 2. [ ] showing 3. [ ] shew 4. [ ] shewed 1. What is the plural of "tooth"? 1. [x] teeth 2. [ ] tooths 3. [ ] tooths' 4. [ ] tooth 1. What is the antonym of "cold"? 1. [x] hot 2. [ ] warm 3. [ ] coldest 4. [ ] colde 1. What is the synonym of "kind"? 1. [ ] bad 2. [x] nice 3. [ ] cruel 4. [ ] rude 1. What is the past tense of "tell"? 1. [x] told 2. [ ] telling 3. [ ] telleth 4. [ ] telled 1. What is the plural of "mouse"? 1. [x] mice 2. [ ] mouses 3. [ ] mices 4. [ ] mouser 1. What is the antonym of "new"? 1. [x] old 2. [ ] new 3. [ ] newer 4. [ ] ne 1. What is the synonym of "bright"? 1. [x] intelligent 2. [x] smart 3. [ ] dull 4. [ ] stupid 1. What is the past tense of "cut"? 1. [x] cut 2. [ ] cuts 3. [ ] cutting 4. [ ] cutted 1. What is the antonym of "calm"? 1. [x] agitated 2. [ ] calm 3. [ ] calmer 4. [ ] calming 1. What is the synonym of "tall"? 1. [x] high 2. [ ] short 3. [ ] low 4. [ ] medium 1. What is the past tense of "come"? 1. [x] came 2. [ ] coming 3. [ ] came 4. [ ] comeed 1. What is the antonym of "bigger"? 1. [x] smaller 2. [ ] bigger 3. [ ] biggered 4. [ ] biggerst 1. What is the synonym of "close"? 1. [x] near 2. [ ] far 3. [ ] distant 4. [ ] farer 1. What is the past tense of "drink"? 1. [x] drank 2. [ ] drinking 3. [ ] dranke 4. [ ] drinken 1. What is the antonym of "behind"? 1. [x] in front 2. [ ] behind 3. [ ] behindest 4. [ ] behinding 1. What is the synonym of "sad"? 1. [x] unhappy 2. [ ] joyful 3. [ ] happy 4. [ ] glad

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