English Language and Comprehension

Mastering Infinitives Types Uses and Rules Part 1

Mastering Infinitives Types Uses and Rules Part 1

#### Which of the following sentences contains a gerund? 1. [ ] I enjoy playing tennis on the weekends. 2. [ ] She likes to swim in the ocean. 3. [x] He is good at singing. 4. [ ] They will be watching a movie tonight. #### Which of the following sentences contains an infinitive? 1. [ ] The dog began to bark at the mailman. 2. [x] She asked me to help her with her homework. 3. [ ] They decided to go to the park. 4. [ ] He loves to play soccer. #### Which of the following sentences contains a participle? 1. [x] Excited, she ran to the stage to accept her award. 2. [ ] We went to the store to buy some milk. 3. [ ] He is a doctor. 4. [ ] They will be arriving soon. #### Which of the following sentences contains a split infinitive? 1. [ ] She decided to quickly run to the store. 2. [x] He wanted to boldly go where no one had gone before. 3. [ ] They decided to carefully examine the evidence. 4. [ ] She offered to kindly help him. #### Which of the following sentences contains a misplaced modifier? 1. [x] Having finished the assignment, the teacher collected the papers. 2. [ ] The teacher collected the papers after finishing the assignment. 3. [ ] She happily ate the cake that her mother had baked. 4. [ ] The car that was parked in front of the store was towed. #### Which of the following sentences contains a dangling modifier? 1. [x] After finishing the race, the crowd cheered. 2. [ ] After finishing the race, the cheers from the crowd filled the air. 3. [ ] The car, after being washed, looked like new. 4. [ ] After being washed, the car looked like new. #### Which of the following sentences contains a run-on sentence? 1. [x] I wanted to go to the movies, I didn't have anyone to go with. 2. [ ] I wanted to go to the movies; I didn't have anyone to go with. 3. [ ] I wanted to go to the movies, I didn't have anyone to go with, so I stayed home. 4. [ ] I wanted to go to the movies. I didn't have anyone to go with. #### Which of the following sentences contains a comma splice? 1. [x] I wanted to go to the movies, I didn't have anyone to go with. 2. [ ] I wanted to go to the movies, I didn't have anyone to go with. 3. [ ] I wanted to go to the movies, I didn't have anyone to go with, so I stayed home. 4. [ ] I wanted to go to the movies. I didn't have anyone to go with. #### Which of the following sentences contains subject-verb agreement? 1. [x] The dogs are barking. 2. [ ] The dogs is barking. 3. [ ] The dogs were barking. 4. [ ] The dog are barking. #### Which of the following sentences contains a verb tense error? 1. [x] I will go to the store tomorrow. 2. [ ] I went to the store tomorrow. 3. [ ] I goes to the store tomorrow. 4. [ ] I am going to the store tomorrow. #### Which of the following sentences contains a pronoun-antecedent agreement error? 1. [x] Everyone should do their best. 2. [ ] Everyone should do his best. 3. [ ] Everyone should do his or her best. 4. [ ] Everyone should do themself's best. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used apostrophe? 1. [x] The dog's collar is blue. 2. [ ] The dog's collar's are blue. 3. [ ] The dogs collar is blue. 4. [ ] The dogs collar's are blue. #### Which of the following sentences contains a misused apostrophe? 1. [ ] The dog's are playing. 2. [ ] The dog's' are playing. 3. [x] The dogs are playing. 4. [ ] The dog's play. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used ellipsis? 1. [ ] The dog ran away, it was gone... 2. [x] The dog ran away, it was gone...I couldn't find it. 3. [ ] The dog ran away... 4. [ ] The dog ran away...it was gone. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used hyphen? 1. [ ] The dog is six-feet tall. 2. [x] The dog is six feet tall. 3. [ ] The dog is six feet-tall. 4. [ ] The dog is six- feet tall. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used colon? 1. [ ] The dog needs: food, water, and shelter. 2. [ ] The dog needs food, water, and shelter. 3. [x] The dog needs:food, water, and shelter. 4. [ ] The dog needs food,water, and shelter. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used semicolon? 1. [x] The dog is old; it can't hear or see well. 2. [ ] The dog is old; it can't hear or see well. 3. [ ] The dog is old, it can't hear or see well. 4. [ ] The dog is old it can't hear or see well. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used dash? 1. [x] The dog - a stray - followed me home. 2. [ ] The dog -a stray- followed me home. 3. [ ] The dog - a stray followed me home. 4. [ ] The dog a stray followed me home. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used question mark? 1. [x] Where is the dog? 2. [ ] Where is the dog? 3. [ ] Where is the dog. 4. [ ] Where is the dog. #### Which of the following sentences contains a correctly used exclamation mark? 1. [x] The dog is so cute! 2. [ ] The dog is so cute. 3. [ ] The dog is so cute. 4. [ ] The dog is so cute. #### Which of the following sentences contains an incorrect use of capitalization? 1. [x] The dog ran away. 2. [ ] The dog Ran away. 3. [ ] The Dog ran away. 4. [ ] the dog ran away. #### Which of the following sentences contains an incomplete sentence? 1. [x] The dog ran away. 2. [ ] The dog ran away. 3. [ ] The dog ran away. 4. [ ] The dog ran away. #### Which of the following sentences contains a redundant phrase? 1. [x] The dog is a black color. 2. [ ] The dog is black. 3. [ ] The dog is a black dog. 4. [ ] The dog is a very black dog. #### Which of the following sentences contains a wordy phrase? 1. [x] He is my best friend. 2. [ ] He is a person who is my friend and I like him the most. 3. [ ] He is my numero uno amigo. 4. [ ] He is my BFF. #### Which of the following sentences contains a cliché? 1. [x] He is as brave as a lion. 2. [ ] He is brave. 3. [ ] He is very brave. 4. [ ] He is courageous. #### Which of the following sentences contains a mixed metaphor? 1. [x] She is a wolf in sheep's clothing. 2. [ ] She is a wolf. 3. [ ] She is a sheep. 4. [ ] She is a sheep in wolf's clothing. #### Which of the following sentences contains an alliteration? 1. [x] Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. 2. [ ] Peter Piper pick a peck of pickled peppers. 3. [ ] Peter Piper picked peck of pickled peppers. 4. [ ] Peter Piper pick a peck peck pickled peppers. #### Which of the following sentences contains onomatopoeia? 1. [x] The bees buzzed in the bright blue sky. 2. [ ] The bees hissed in the bright blue sky. 3. [ ] The bees sang in the bright blue sky. 4. [ ] The bees talked in the bright blue sky. #### Which of the following sentences contains a euphemism? 1. [x] He passed away. 2. [ ] He died. 3. [ ] He is no longer with us. 4. [ ] He is pushing up daisies. #### Which of the following sentences contains hyperbole? 1. [x] I am so hungry I could eat a horse. 2. [ ] I am so hungry I could eat a snack. 3. [ ] I am so hungry I could eat a sandwich. 4. [ ] I am so hungry I could eat a small meal. #### Which of the following sentences contains an oxymoron? 1. [x] The phrase "jumbo shrimp" is an oxymoron. 2. [ ] The phrase "big shrimp" is an oxymoron. 3. [ ] The phrase "small shrimp" is an oxymoron. 4. [ ] The phrase "giant shrimp" is an oxymoron. #### Which of the following sentences contains a personification? 1. [x] The sun smiled down on the children as they played in the park. 2. [ ] The sun shined down on the children as they played in the park. 3. [ ] The sun beamed down on the children as they played in the park. 4. [ ] The sun looked down on the children as they played in the park. #### Which of the following sentences contains idioms? 1. [x] She let the cat out of the bag. 2. [ ] She let the cat out of the hat. 3. [ ] She let the cat out of the box. 4. [ ] She let the dog out of the bag. #### Which of the following sentences contains malapropism? 1. [x] He is the flower pot of the company. 2. [ ] He is the flower vase of the company. 3. [ ] He is the flower power of the company. 4. [ ] He is the flower bed of the company. #### Which of the following sentences contains parallel structure? 1. [x] I like to run, swim, and bike. 2. [ ] I like to run, swimming, and biking. 3. [ ] I like running, swimming, and to bike. 4. [ ] I like to run, swim, and bicycling. #### Which of the following sentences contains a passive voice? 1. [x] The ball was thrown by John. 2. [ ] John threw the ball. 3. [ ] The ball was thrown. 4. [ ] John's throw of the ball. #### Which of the following sentences contains an active voice? 1. [ ] The ball was thrown by John. 2. [x] John threw the ball. 3. [ ] The ball was thrown. 4. [ ] John's throw of the ball. #### Which of the following sentences contains an emphatic construction? 1. [x] It was I who broke the vase. 2. [ ] It was me who broke the vase. 3. [ ] It was I that broke the vase. 4. [ ] It was I who break the vase. #### Which of the following sentences contains a conditional sentence? 1. [x] If it rains, we will stay indoors. 2. [ ] It rains, we will stay indoors. 3. [ ] If it rains, stay indoors we. 4. [ ] We will stay indoors if rains it. #### Which of the following sentences contains a subjunctive mood? 1. [x] If I were taller, I could reach the top shelf. 2. [ ] If I was taller, I could reach the top shelf. 3. [ ] If I am taller, I could reach the top shelf. 4. [ ] If I is taller, I could reach the top shelf. #### Which of the following sentences contains a relative clause? 1. [x] The book, which is on the table, is mine. 2. [ ] The book is on the table which is mine. 3. [ ] The book is on the table, it is mine. 4. [ ] The book which is on the table is mine. #### Which of the following sentences contains a participial phrase? 1. [x] Exhausted, she fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. 2. [ ] Exhausted, she fell asleep as soon her head hit the pillow. 3. [ ] She fell asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow exhausted. 4. [ ] Exhausted, she fell asleep, her head hit the pillow soon. #### Which of the following sentences contains an absolute phrase? 1. [x] The sun shining brightly, we decided to go to the beach. 2. [ ] The sun shone brightly, we decided to go to the beach. 3. [ ] The sun, shining brightly, we decided to go to the beach. 4. [ ] The sun shining brightly, we decided we go to the beach.

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