English Language and Comprehension

Idioms and Phrases Exam Picks Part 1

Idioms and Phrases Exam Picks Part 1

1. What does "break a leg" mean? [ ] To have a bad day [ ] To fall asleep [x] To have good luck [ ] To be angry 2. What does "cost an arm and a leg" mean? [ ] To be free [ ] To be expensive [x] To be very expensive [ ] To be affordable 3. What does "bite the bullet" mean? [ ] To refuse to do something [x] To face a difficult situation with courage [ ] To postpone a decision [ ] To be angry 4. What does "get cold feet" mean? [ ] To become excited [ ] To feel confident [x] To become afraid and hesitant [ ] To be angry 5. What does "think outside the box" mean? [ ] To think in a traditional way [x] To think creatively and come up with new ideas [ ] To think negatively [ ] To think logically 6. What does "hit the nail on the head" mean? [ ] To make a mistake [ ] To be unlucky [x] To be exactly right [ ] To be frustrated 7. What does "in the same boat" mean? [ ] To be in a good situation [ ] To be in a bad situation [x] To be in the same difficult situation as someone else [ ] To be in a hurry 8. What does "let the cat out of the bag" mean? [ ] To keep a secret [x] To reveal a secret [ ] To make a decision [ ] To be happy 9. What does "once in a blue moon" mean? [ ] Often [ ] Never [x] Rarely [ ] Immediately 10. What does "put all your eggs in one basket" mean? [ ] To take a risk [x] To invest all your resources in one thing [ ] To be safe [ ] To be lazy 11. What does "a penny for your thoughts" mean? [ ] How are you feeling? [x] What are you thinking? [ ] What is your opinion? [ ] Can I help you? 12. What does "see eye to eye" mean? [ ] To argue [ ] To disagree [x] To agree [ ] To ignore 13. What does "the ball is in your court" mean? [ ] It's your turn to act [x] It's your responsibility to make a decision or take action [ ] It's my turn to act [ ] It's our responsibility to make a decision or take action 14. What does "spill the beans" mean? [ ] To clean something [x] To reveal a secret [ ] To be happy [ ] To be angry 15. What does "take the bull by the horns" mean? [ ] To be afraid [x] To confront a problem directly [ ] To be happy [ ] To be angry 16. What does "through thick and thin" mean? [ ] Through good times and bad times [x] No matter what happens [ ] Through happy times only [ ] Through difficult times only 17. What does "tickle someone's funny bone" mean? [ ] To make someone laugh [x] To say or do something that is amusing or entertaining [ ] To make someone sad [ ] To make someone mad 18. What does "tie the knot" mean? [ ] To become angry [ ] To become tired [x] To get married [ ] To become confused 19. What does "tongue-tied" mean? [ ] Unable to speak [x] Unable to think of the right words to say [ ] Unable to hear [ ] Unable to move 20. What does "under the weather" mean? [ ] In a good mood [x] Feeling ill [ ] In a bad mood [ ] In a hurry 21. What does "up in the air" mean? [ ] Certain [ ] Uncertain [x] Not decided or settled [ ] Unhappy 22. What does "wet behind the ears" mean? [ ] Inexperienced [x] Naive or immature [ ] Angry [ ] Tired 23. What does "when pigs fly" mean? [ ] Immediately [x] Never [ ] Soon [ ] Later 24. What does "you can say that again" mean? [ ] I agree with you [x] I completely agree with you [ ] I don't agree with you [ ] I have nothing to say 25. What does "your guess is as good as mine" mean? [ ] I know the answer [ ] I think I know the answer [x] I don't know the answer [ ] I have no idea 26. What does "a dime a dozen" mean? [ ] Expensive [x] Common or easily available [ ] Cheap [ ] Rare 27. What does "a happy camper" mean? [ ] An unhappy person [x] A content or satisfied person [ ] A hungry person [ ] A tired person 28. What does "a piece of cake" mean? [ ] Difficult [x] Easy [ ] Expensive [ ] Delicious 29. What does "add fuel to the fire" mean? [ ] To make a situation worse [x] To make a conflict or argument more intense [ ] To solve a problem [ ] To calm down 30. What does "at the drop of a hat" mean? [ ] At a specific time [x] Immediately or without hesitation [ ] Slowly [ ] Never 31. What does "barking up the wrong tree" mean? [ ] To be correct [x] To be mistaken or wrong [ ] To be loud [ ] To be quiet 32. What does "beat around the bush" mean? [ ] To be direct [x] To avoid talking about what is important [ ] To be happy [ ] To be sad 33. What does "bite your tongue" mean? [ ] To say something [x] To stop yourself from saying something [ ] To eat something [ ] To drink something 34. What does "burn the midnight oil" mean? [ ] To work late into the night [x] To work hard [ ] To sleep a lot [ ] To take a break 35. What does "call it a day" mean? [ ] To continue working [x] To stop working for the day [ ] To take a break [ ] To start working 36. What does "cast a shadow" mean? [ ] To make someone happy [x] To make someone or something seem less positive or enjoyable [ ] To make someone sad [ ] To make someone tired 37. What does "change your tune" mean? [ ] To sing a different song [x] To change your opinion or behavior [ ] To talk more [ ] To talk less 38. What does "cry over spilled milk" mean? [ ] To be happy [ ] To be angry [x] To worry about something that cannot be changed [ ] To be sad 39. What does "curiosity killed the cat" mean? [ ] It's good to be curious [x] Being too curious can get you into trouble [ ] It's bad to be curious [ ] It's okay to be curious 40. What does "cut corners" mean? [ ] To do something carefully [x] To do something quickly or cheaply, often at the expense of quality [ ] To do something slowly [ ] To do something expensively 41. What does "dead ringer" mean? [ ] A fake or imitation [x] A perfect match or duplicate [ ] A copy [ ] An original 42. What does "devil's in the detail" mean? [ ] It's easy to do something [x] It's important to pay attention to the small details [ ] It's hard to do something [ ] It's not important to pay attention to the small details 43. What does "dog eat dog" mean? [ ] A friendly competition [x] A situation where people or groups are competing against each other in a harsh or unfair way [ ] A peaceful situation [ ] A cooperative situation 44. What does "down in the dumps" mean? [ ] Feeling happy [x] Feeling sad or depressed [ ] Feeling excited [ ] Feeling neutral 45. What does "drag your feet" mean? [ ] To move quickly [x] To delay or procrastinate [ ] To move slowly [ ] To move at a normal speed 46. What does "drown your sorrows" mean? [ ] To forget about your problems by having fun [x] To try to forget about your problems by drinking alcohol [ ] To talk about your problems [ ] To ignore your problems 47. What does "eager beaver" mean? [ ] A person who is not willing to work hard [x] A person who is eager to work hard and do a good job [ ] A person who is slow and lazy [ ] A person who is average 48. What does "easy as pie" mean? [ ] Difficult [x] Easy [ ] Expensive [ ] Delicious 49. What does "elbows deep" mean? [ ] Involved in something in a minor way [x] Involved in something in a very deep or serious way [ ] Not involved in something [ ] Involved in something in a superficial way 50. What does "end of the rope" mean? [ ] A good situation [x] A difficult or desperate situation [ ] A happy situation [ ] A normal situation

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