
Concepts: 1. Concentration: measure of amount of solute in a given amount of solvent.

2. Solubility and factors affecting it:

a. Temperature: Generally, solubility increases with increasing temperature.

b. Surface area: Increased surface area increases the rate of dissolution.

3. Types of solutions:

a. Saturated solution: Maximum amount of solute dissolved in the solvent at a given temperature.

b. Unsaturated solution: solute concentration below its saturation point.

c. Supersaturated solution: unstable solution with more solute than it can usually dissolve at a given temperature.

4. Molarity: Moles of solute per liter of solution

5. Molality: Moles of solute per kilogram of solvent.

6. Mole-fraction: Mole fraction of a component equals the number of moles of that component divided by the total number of moles in the mixture.

7. Mass Percent and Volume Percent:

a. Mass Percent: measure of concentration that gives the mass of solute in 100 grams of the solution

b. Volume Percent: gives the volume of solute in 100 ml of the solution

8. Colligative properties Properties of solutions that depend on the number of particles present, not on their nature or chemical properties.

  • Boiling point elevation: Rise in boiling point of a solution compared to pure solvent.

  • Freezing point depression: Decrease in freezing point of a solution compared to pure solvent.

  • Osmotic pressure: Pressure required to prevent the flow of solvent from a dilute solution to a more concentrated solution through a semipermeable membrane.

  • Vapor pressure lowering: Decrease in vapor pressure of a solution compared to pure solvent.

  • Van’t Hoff factor (i): The ratio of the actual number of particles of a solute in solution to the number of moles of solute originally dissolved.

9. Henry’s law: States that the partial pressure of a gas dissolved in a liquid is proportional to the concentration of the gas in the liquid.

10. Solubility of gases in liquids: Increases as temperature decreases.

11. Partial pressure: Pressure exerted by a gas when it is mixed with other gases.

12. Dalton’s law: Total pressure of a mixture of gases equals the sum of the partial pressures of the individual gases.

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