Introduction and Types of AlphaNumberic Series

Introduction and Types of AlphaNumberic Series

#### Which number should replace the question mark in the following series? **2, 5, 10, 17, 26, ?** 1. [ ] 30 2. [x] 37 3. [ ] 42 4. [ ] 47 #### Which number should replace the question mark in the following series? **1, 4, 9, 16, 25, 36, ?** 1. [x] 49 2. [ ] 64 3. [ ] 81 4. [ ] 100 #### Which letter comes next in the following series? **a, e, i, o, u, ?** 1. [x] y 2. [ ] z 3. [ ] b 4. [ ] d #### If the letters of the word 'COMPUTER' are arranged alphabetically, then which letter will be second from the right end? 1. [ ] O 2. [ ] P 3. [x] T 4. [ ] U #### What comes next in the series: 2, 3, 5, 8, 12, __? 1. [ ] 14 2. [ ] 15 3. [x] 17 4. [ ] 18

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