Exercise of Coding and Decoding Part 1

Exercise of Coding and Decoding Part 1

#### In a certain code language: ``` "APPLE" is coded as "5@99$", "ORANGE" is coded as "7&3442", and "BANANA" is coded as "1#444#". ``` #### What is the code for "GRAPES"? 1. [ ] 9$99&4 2. [x] 9&99$4 3. [ ] 9$99&4 4. [ ] 9&99$3 #### If "SUN" is coded as "124", then what is the code for "MOON"? 1. [ ] 1514 2. [x] 151514 3. [ ] 51415 4. [ ] 1415 #### In a certain code language, "WATER" is coded as "QDBDU". How is "LEMON" coded in that language? 1. [ ] KNQLP 2. [ ] KQPLN 3. [x] KNQPL 4. [ ] NKLQP #### In a code language MOBILE is written as ASDFGH, STORK is written as PLSQW. How is MOTORBIKE written in that code? 1. [x] ASLSQDFWH 2. [ ] ASLSQDHWH 3. [ ] ASLSGHQDW 4. [ ] ASLSASFWH #### In a certain code, MEN is written as ABC and DARK is written as LSTZ. How can READ be written in this code? 1. [ ] TCSL 2. [x] TBSL 3. [ ] TASL 4. [ ] TLSL