Coding and Decoding Practice Set 07

Coding and Decoding Practice Set 07

#### If "TABLE" is coded as "WYHLS" and "CHAIR" is coded as "GJLDS", then what is the code for "DESK"? 1. [ ] GJLV 2. [ ] GJLT 3. [x] GJLS 4. [ ] GJLT #### Question: If "TABLE" is coded as "925313", then how will you code "CHAIR"? 1. [ ] 381189 2. [ ] 381189 3. [ ] 381189 4. [x] 381189 #### In a certain code “SPREAD” is written as “sPReaD”. How is “CORONA” is written in that code? 1. [ ] CoroNA 2. [ ] COroNa 3. [x] coRoNa 4. [ ] CoRonA #### If the letters of the word “PRODUCT” are arranged alphabetically, then which letter would be farthest from the second letter of word? 1. [x] U 2. [ ] R 3. [ ] T 4. [ ] P #### In a certain code “FANTA” is written as “LGTZG”. How is “CRICKET” is written in that code? 1. [ ] NSKLIEA 2. [ ] FKCLIEC 3. [x] IXOIQKZ 4. [ ] OWMAMDK #### In a certain code “DHRUVA” is written as “BWVSIE”. Which of the following words can be written as “ BWSBIUB”? 1. [ ] ACHARYA 2. [ ] MERCURY 3. [ ] ANTARTICA 4. [x] ATHARVA #### If in the English alphabet, every alternate letter from D onwards is written in capital letters while others are written in small, then how will the 3rd day from Monday will be coded? 1. [ ] WEdNesDaY 2. [ ] weDNesDay 3. [ ] FrIDay 4. [x] THuRsDay