State of matter

State of matter

#### Which of the following states of matter has particles that are able to conduct electricity? 1. [ ] Solid 2. [ ] Liquid 3. [ ] Gas 4. [x] Plasma #### Which of the following substances takes the shape of the container it is kept in? 1. [ ] Solid 2. [ ] Gas 3. [x] Liquid 4. [ ] None of these #### Which of the following is a solid material? 1. [ ] Water 2. [x] Iron 3. [ ] Alcohol 4. [ ] Oxygen #### The kinetic theory of gases predicts that total kinetic energy of gas depends on——– 1. [ ] pressure of the gas 2. [x] temperature of the gas 3. [ ] volume of the gas 4. [ ] pressure, temperature and volume of the gas #### Rate of diffusion of a gas is ———— 1. [ ] directly proportional to its density 2. [ ] directly proportional to its molecular mass 3. [ ] directly proportional to the square of its molecular mass 4. [x] inversely proportional to the square root of its molecular mass #### At constant temperature the product of pressure and volume of a given amount of a gas is constant this is ————–. 1. [ ] Gay-Lussac law 2. [ ] Charles’ law 3. [x] Boyle’s law 4. [ ] None of these