Mauryan Inscription

Mauryan Inscription

#### Which of the following was the capital of the Mauryan Empire during Ashoka's reign? 1. [ ] Magadha 2. [x] Patliputra 3. [ ] Takshashila 4. [ ] Ujjain #### Which of the following is NOT one of the four major rock edicts of Ashoka? 1. [ ] Schism edict 2. [ ] Queen's edict 3. [ ] Reform of justice edict 4. [x] Price control edict #### Which of the following inscriptions of Ashoka provide an account of the Kalinga war? 1. [ ] Rock edict no. 2 2. [ ] Rock edict no. 13 3. [x] Separate Kalinga edicts 4. [ ] Pillar edict no. 7 #### Who was the founder of the Mauryan Empire? 1. [x] Chandragupta Maurya 2. [ ] Bindusara 3. [ ] Ashoka 4. [ ] Ajatashatru #### Which of the following is NOT one of the principles of Ashoka's dhamma as mentioned in the inscriptions? 1. [ ] Treating all beings with kindness 2. [ ] Being honest in speech 3. [x] Believing in the doctrine of karma 4. [ ] Not considering the Brahmin and Shudra as high and low

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