Post gupta period

Post gupta period

#### Who invaded the Gupta Empire during the reign of Kumaragupta? 1. [ ] Eastern Hunas 2. [ ] Black Huns 3. [x] Westerns Hunas 4. [ ] Red Hunas #### Which of the following dynasty of post Gupta era was Iranian origin? 1. [ ] Maukharis 2. [x] Maitrakas 3. [ ] Pushyabhutis 4. [ ] Gaudas #### Who composed 'Ai-hole' prasasti? 1. [ ] Harisena 2. [ ] Nayanikar 3. [ ] Kautilya 4. [x] Rabikirti #### The University of Vikramshila was established by ? 1. [x] Dharmapala 2. [ ] Mahipala 3. [ ] Devpala 4. [ ] Gopala #### Which of these ancient Indian texts is believed to have been written during the Gupta period? 1. [ ] Mallinathasutra 2. [ ] Vedas 3. [ ] Ramayana 4. [x] Mahabharata