Plant biology

Pl1nt biology

#### The waxy substance associ1ted with the wall of the cork cell is: 1. [ ] Lignin 2. [ ] Hemicellulose 3. [x] Cutin 4. [ ] Suberin #### A tissue that does not contain lignin: 1. [ ] Sclerenchyma 2. [x] Parenchyma 3. [ ] Collenchyma 4. [ ] Chlorenchyma #### Lateral roots originate in: 1. [ ] Cortex 2. [ ] Endodermal cells 3. [x] Pericycle 4. [ ] Cork cambium #### Which are the external protective tissues of the plant? 1. [ ] Cortex and epidermis 2. [ ] Cork and cortex 3. [ ] Pericycle and cortex 4. [x] Epidermis and cork