Mugal period

Mugal period

#### Babur was born in the year: 1. [x] 1483 2. [ ] 1583 3. [ ] 1693 4. [ ] 1783 #### Babur came to India originally from: 1. [ ] Khiva 2. [x] Ferghana 3. [ ] Khorasan 4. [ ] Seistan #### Babur was succeeded to the Mughal throne by: 1. [ ] Sher Shah 2. [ ] Akbar 3. [x] Humayun 4. [ ] Bhadur Shah #### The Mughal leader Babur originally invaded northern India: 1. [ ] To create a Shiite Muslim state 2. [x] Because he was unable to achieve his ambitious goals in central Asia 3. [ ] To control the trade routes into Southeast Asia 4. [ ] To defeat his longstanding enemy, the sultan of Delhi #### Akbar was enthroned in a garden at: 1. [x] Kalanaur 2. [ ] Ajmer 3. [ ] Gaur 4. [ ] Kabul #### The only Hindu Courtier of Akbar who accepted Din-i-Ilahi was: 1. [ ] Todermal 2. [x] Birbal 3. [ ] Tansen 4. [ ] Man Singh #### Ramayana was translated into Persian at Akbar’s court by whom? 1. [ ] Faizi 2. [x] Abul Fazl 3. [ ] Badayuni 4. [ ] Haji Ibrahim Sirhindi #### Which was the second capital of Akbar? 1. [ ] Delhi 2. [ ] Agra 3. [x] Fatehpur Sikri 4. [ ] Patna