The Definite Article Usage and Rules

The Definite Article Usage and Rules

#### Which of the following sentences uses the definite article correctly? 1. [ ] She is at hospital. 2. [x] They are going to the cinema. 3. [ ] He is working in university. 4. [ ] We are living in countryside. #### Choose the sentence with the correct usage of the definite article. 1. [ ] I have to go to library to return my books. 2. [ ] The car is in driveway. 3. [x] The teacher is explaining a lesson. 4. [ ] The child is playing in park. #### Choose the correct sentence: 1. [ ] I saw an leopard in the zoo. 2. [x] I saw a leopard in the zoo. 3. [ ] I saw the leopard in the zoo. 4. [ ] I saw the leopards in the zoo. #### Which sentence is correct: 1. [ ] John is working as a doctor in hospital. 2. [ ] John is working as the doctor in a hospital. 3. [ ] John is working as doctor in the hospital. 4. [x] John is working as a doctor in the hospital. #### Choose the sentence with the correct usage of the definite article: 1. [ ] The teacher asked student to read the chapter. 2. [ ] Teacher asked student to read chapter. 3. [x] The teacher asked a student to read a chapter. 4. [ ] X #### Which phrase uses the definite article incorrectly: 1. [x] I am going to the university. 2. [ ] He works as a doctor in the hospital. 3. [ ] She is in the cinema. 4. [ ] X