Detailed Anlaysis of Verb

Detailed Anlaysis of Verb

#### Choose the past tense form of the verb "freeze": 1. [ ] freezes 2. [ ] freezed 3. [x] froze 4. [ ] freezen #### Choose the correct form of the verb "lie" in past participle: 1. [ ] lain 2. [ ] lyed 3. [x] lied 4. [ ] ligen #### Choose the correct form of the verb "sink" in present participle: 1. [ ] sinking 2. [x] sunk 3. [ ] sinks 4. [ ] sinked #### Choose the past tense form of the verb "shrink": 1. [ ] shrinked 2. [ ] shrink 3. [ ] shrinking 4. [x] shrank #### Choose the correct form of the verb "think" in past participle: 1. [ ] thoughted 2. [x] thought 3. [ ] thinking 4. [ ] thoughten #### Choose the past tense form of the verb "sneak": 1. [ ] sneaked 2. [x] snuck 3. [ ] sneaking 4. [ ] sneaks #### Choose the past tense form of the verb "drink": 1. [ ] drinked 2. [x] drank 3. [ ] drinking 4. [ ] drinks

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