SSC MTS Narration Questions and Detailed Analysis

SSC MTS Narration Questions and Detailed Analysis

#### Identify the Verb in the following sentence: "She said, 'I will meet you at the library.'" 1. [ ] She 2. [ ] said 3. [x] meet 4. [ ] library #### Convert the following sentence into Indirect Speech: "She said, 'I am watching a movie.'" 1. [ ] She said that I watched a movie. 2. [ ] She said that she watches a movie. 3. [ ] She said that she was watching a movie. 4. [x] She said that she was watching a movie. #### Convert the following sentence into Direct Speech: "He exclaimed with joy that he had won the race." 1. [x] "I won the race!" he exclaimed joyfully. 2. [ ] "He won the race!" he exclaimed with joy. 3. [ ] "He won the race!" he exclaimed joyfully. 4. [ ] "I had won the race," he exclaimed joyfully. #### Identify the reporting verb in the sentence: "He asked if she had completed the task." 1. [x] asked 2. [ ] completed 3. [ ] she 4. [ ] task #### Convert the following sentence into Indirect Speech: "The teacher said, 'I will explain the lesson tomorrow.'" 1. [ ] The teacher said that she explained the lesson the next day. 2. [x] The teacher said that she would explain the lesson the next day. 3. [ ] The teacher said that she explains the lesson tomorrow. 4. [ ] The teacher said that she will explain the lesson tomorrow. #### Convert the following sentence into Direct Speech: "She told me that she had already finished her homework." 1. [ ] "She already finished her homework," she told me. 2. [x] "I have already finished my homework," she told me. 3. [ ] "I had already finished my homework," she told me. 4. [ ] "I already finished my homework," she told me. #### Identify the reporting verb in the sentence: "She asked why he was late." 1. [x] asked 2. [ ] late 3. [ ] he 4. [ ] why #### Convert the following sentence into Indirect Speech: "The manager said, 'We need to finish the project by Friday.'" 1. [ ] The manager said that we need to finish the project by Friday. 2. [x] The manager said that they needed to finish the project by Friday. 3. [ ] The manager said that we needed to finish the project by Friday. 4. [ ] The manager said that we needed to finish the project on Friday. #### Identify the reporting verb in the sentence: "The teacher explained how to solve the problem step by step." 1. [x] explained 2. [ ] solve 3. [ ] problem 4. [ ] step