Result denoting Connectors So Therefore

Result denoting Connectors So Therefore

#### Choose the correct form of the word to complete the sentence: "Despite the setback, they _______ achieved their goal in the end." 1. [ ] thereforeed 2. [x] nevertheless 3. [ ] so 4. [ ] thus #### Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: "If you don't practice, your skills will not improve; ________, you will become worse." 1. [ ] so 2. [ ] therefore 3. [x] consequently 4. [ ] thus #### Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: "She worked hard and received a high grade on the test; ________, she was very happy." 1. [x] Therefore 2. [ ] so 3. [ ] thus 4. [ ] consequently #### Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence: "He didn't study for the test and failed; ________, he will have to retake it." 1. [ ] thus 2. [x] consequently 3. [ ] therefore 4. [ ] so