Parts of Sentences Concepts and Examples

Parts of Sentences Concepts and Examples

#### Which word in the following sentence is a pronoun? "John gives his books to Emily, but she doesn't want them." 1. [ ] John 2. [ ] gives 3. [ ] his 4. [x] She #### Which word in the following sentence is an adjective? "The big red car drove down the street." 1. [ ] the 2. [ ] drove 3. [x] big 4. [ ] down #### Which word in the following sentence is an adverb? "She speaks English fluently." 1. [ ] speaks 2. [x] fluently 3. [ ] English 4. [ ] She #### Which word in the following sentence is a preposition? "The cat is under the bed." 1. [ ] The 2. [ ] is 3. [x] under 4. [ ] bed #### Choose the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: "If I studied harder, I \_\_\_\_\_ get a better grade." 1. [ ] gets 2. [x] would get 3. [ ] getting 4. [ ] get