In depth Analysis of Result Connectors Hence As a result Consequently

In depth Analysis of Result Connectors Hence As a result Consequently

#### Choose the correct usage of the result connector "hence": 1. [ ] She was tired, hence she went to bed early. 2. [x] She was tired; hence, she will take a day off. 3. [ ] She was tired hence. 4. [ ] Hence, she was tired. #### How would you correctly connect the cause and effect using the connector "consequently"? 1. [ ] She was late for school, consequently, she missed her favorite class. 2. [ ] She was late for school consequently, she would miss her favorite class. 3. [x] She was late for school. Consequently, she missed her favorite class. 4. [ ] She was late for school; consequently, she had to catch up with the lesson. #### Which option incorrectly uses the result connector "consequently"? 1. [ ] They had no money; consequently, they could not buy new equipment. 2. [x] They had no money, consequently. 3. [ ] They had no money, consequently, they were struggling. 4. [ ] They had no money; consequently, the team faced a significant obstacle. #### Choose the correct usage of the result connector "as a result": 1. [x] She missed the bus; as a result, she arrived late to work. 2. [ ] She missed the bus as a result, she arrived late to work. 3. [ ] She missed the bus; as a result, arrived late to work. 4. [ ] She missed the bus; as a result, she will arrive late to work. #### How would you correctly connect the cause and effect using the connector "therefore"? 1. [ ] He forgot his umbrella; therefore, he got wet in the rain. 2. [x] He forgot his umbrella; therefore, he had to borrow one from his colleague. 3. [ ] He forgot his umbrella therefore, he got wet in the rain. 4. [ ] He forgot his umbrella; therefore, he forgot to bring it home.