Exploring Participles Types Uses and Function

Exploring Participles Types Uses and Function

#### I have never \_\_\_\_\_ to a concert before. 1. [ ] went 2. [x] gone 3. [ ] go 4. [ ] going #### She left the room, slamming the door behind her, feeling \_\_\_\_\_ by his remarks. 1. [ ] embarrass 2. [x] embarrassed 3. [ ] embarrassing 4. [ ] embarrassment #### My mother bought a new car after her old one \_\_\_\_\_ last week. 1. [x] broke 2. [ ] broken 3. [ ] was broken 4. [ ] has broken #### \_\_\_\_\_ by the loud noise, the baby started crying. 1. [ ] Waked 2. [ ] Waken 3. [ ] Waked up 4. [x] Woken up #### \_\_\_\_\_ the traffic, we arrived late to the party. 1. [ ] Driving 2. [ ] Drove 3. [x] Having driven 4. [ ] Having drive #### \_\_\_\_\_ by the rain, I decided to stay indoors. 1. [x] Drenched 2. [ ] Drench 3. [ ] Drenching 4. [ ] Having drenched