Detailed Concepts of Highlighting Connectors As regards As for As far as is concerned

Detailed Concepts of Highlighting Connectors As regards As for As far as is concerned

#### Choose the correct connector to complete the sentence: "\_\_\_\_\_\_ the experiment is concerned, all measurements must be accurate." 1. [ ] as 2. [ ] regarding 3. [x] as far as 4. [ ] concerning #### Choose the correct connector to complete the sentence: "The results of the test were disappointing; \_\_\_\_\_\_ the practical, it was a complete failure." 1. [ ] besides 2. [ ] in addition to 3. [x] as for 4. [ ] along with #### Choose the correct connector to complete the sentence: "The teacher explained the topic in detail; \_\_\_\_\_\_ the homework, she asked us to submit it by Monday." 1. [ ] concerning 2. [x] as regards 3. [ ] regarding 4. [ ] about #### Choose the right phrase to complete the sentence: "The new policy will affect all departments, \_\_\_\_\_\_ we know." 1. [ ] regarding 2. [ ] concerning 3. [x] as far as 4. [ ] about #### Select the correct connector to complete the sentence: "The company is expanding its operations; \_\_\_\_\_\_ the workforce, new hires are being recruited." 1. [ ] besides 2. [ ] in addition to 3. [ ] as for 4. [x] as far as