Condition denoting Connectors Definition and Types

Condition denoting Connectors Definition and Types

#### Choose the correct usage of the condition denoting connector "unless": 1. [x] Unless you finish your homework, you can't go out and play. 2. [ ] Unless if you finish your homework, you can't go out and play. 3. [ ] Unless you finish your homework, you can go out and play. 4. [ ] Unless finishing your homework, you can't go out and play. #### Choose the correct usage of the condition denoting connector "provided that": 1. [x] Provided that you eat your vegetables, you can have dessert. 2. [ ] Providing you eat your vegetables, you can have dessert. 3. [ ] Provided you eat your vegetables, you can have dessert. 4. [ ] If provided that you eat your vegetables, you can have dessert. #### Choose the definition of the condition denoting connector "in case": 1. [ ] used to refer to a possible situation that may happen 2. [x] used to refer to a possible situation that may happen 3. [ ] used to refer to a certain situation that is going to happen 4. [ ] used to refer to a preferred situation that may happen #### Choose the correct usage of the condition denoting connector "as long as": 1. [ ] As long as you do your chores, you can go to the party. 2. [x] As long as if you do your chores, you can go to the party. 3. [ ] As long you do your chores, you can go to the party. 4. [ ] Provided you do your chores, you can go to the party. #### Choose the correct usage of the condition denoting connector "on condition that": 1. [x] On condition that you pass the test, you will be promoted. 2. [ ] On the condition you pass the test, you will be promoted. 3. [ ] If on condition that you pass the test, you will be promoted. 4. [ ] Only on condition that you pass the test, you will be promoted. #### Choose the definition of the condition denoting connector "on the condition (that)": 1. [x] used to say that something will happen only if a particular thing also happens 2. [ ] used to say that something will happen only if a particular thing also happens 3. [ ] used to say that something will probably happen 4. [ ] used to say that something will certainly happen