Antonyms Essentials Commonly Asked Part 2

Antonyms Essentials Commonly Asked Part 2

#### Find the antonym of the word "generous": 1. [x] Stingy 2. [ ] Generous 3. [ ] Generating 4. [ ] Generation #### Find the antonym of the word "brave": 1. [x] Cowardly 2. [ ] Bravo 3. [ ] Bravery 4. [ ] Bravado #### Find the antonym of the word "serene": 1. [x] Agitated 2. [ ] Serenade 3. [ ] Serenity 4. [ ] Serenading #### Find the antonym of the word "diligent": 1. [x] Lazy 2. [ ] Dilapidate 3. [ ] Dilute 4. [ ] Diligent #### Find the antonym of the word "vast": 1. [x] Tiny 2. [ ] Vastly 3. [ ] Vaster 4. [ ] Vastness #### Find the antonym of the word "graceful": 1. [x] Clumsy 2. [ ] Grace 3. [ ] Gracious 4. [ ] Gracefully #### Find the antonym of the word "healthy": 1. [x] Sick 2. [ ] Healthier 3. [ ] Health 4. [ ] Healthful #### Find the antonym of the word "authentic": 1. [x] Fake 2. [ ] Author 3. [ ] Authorize 4. [ ] Authority #### Find the antonym of the word "humble": 1. [x] Proud 2. [ ] Humblebee 3. [ ] Humblebrag 4. [ ] Humbling