Additional Rules on Participles for Exam Preparation

Additional Rules on Participles for Exam Preparation

#### Which of the following sentences uses a present participle correctly? 1. [x] Walking down the street, a car suddenly appeared. 2. [ ] Walking down the street, the car suddenly appeared. 3. [ ] Walked down the street, a car suddenly appeared. 4. [ ] Walked down the street, the car suddenly appeared. #### Identify the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: Having [eaten / eatened] all the cookies, she couldn't understand why there were still crumbs on the plate. 1. [x] Having eaten all the cookies, she couldn't understand why there were still crumbs on the plate. 2. [ ] Having eatened all the cookies, she couldn't understand why there were still crumbs on the plate. #### Choose the sentence with the correct use of the past participle: 1. [ ] I have saw that movie twice. 2. [ ] I have seen that movie twice. 3. [x] I have seened that movie twice. #### Identify the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: Seeing [them / their] for the first time in years, I was surprised by how much they had changed. 1. [x] Seeing them for the first time in years, I was surprised by how much they had changed. 2. [ ] Seeing their for the first time in years, I was surprised by how much they had changed. #### Choose the sentence with the correct use of the present participle: 1. [ ] Having lived in this city for a long time, I know all the best places to eat. 2. [x] Having live in this city for a long time, I know all the best places to eat. 3. [ ] Having lived in this city for a long time, I knows all the best places to eat. #### Identify the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: Having [finished / finish] my homework, I decided to watch TV. 1. [x] Having finished my homework, I decided to watch TV. 2. [ ] Having finish my homework, I decided to watch TV. #### Choose the sentence with the correct use of the past participle: 1. [ ] The teacher was pleased with the students' [performance / perform] in the play. 2. [x] The teacher was pleased with the students' performance in the play. 3. [ ] The teacher was pleased with the students perform in the play. #### Identify the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: Having [worked / work] all day, I was too tired to cook dinner. 1. [x] Having worked all day, I was too tired to cook dinner. 2. [ ] Having work all day, I was too tired to cook dinner. #### Choose the sentence with the correct use of the present participle: 1. [ ] [Being tired / Tire] after the long trip, I went straight to bed. 2. [x] Being tired after the long trip, I went straight to bed. #### Identify the correct form of the verb to complete the sentence: Having [eaten / eat] too much at the party, I felt sick the next day. 1. [x] Having eaten too much at the party, I felt sick the next day. 2. [ ] Having eat too much at the party, I felt sick the next day.