Notes from Toppers

Detailed Notes on Logarithm Lecture 5

1. Laws of Logarithms

  • [Product Rule] ( \log (a \cdot b) = \log a + \log b)
  • [Quotient Rule] ( \log \left(\frac{a}{b}\right) = \log a - \log b)
  • [Power Rule] ( \log (a^n) = n \log a)
  • [Change of Base Formula] ( \log_b a = \frac{\log_c a}{\log_c b} )

2. Inverse Logarithmic Functions (Exponential Functions)

  • Definition of the exponential function (y=a^x) as the inverse of the logarithmic function.
  • Properties and graphs of exponential functions.
  • Relationship between the exponential and logarithmic functions.
  • Solving exponential equations using logarithmic functions.


  • NCERT Class 11, Chapter 13: Logarithms, pages 233-238
  • NCERT Class 12, Chapter 9: Logarithms, pages 191-196

3. Logarithmic and Exponential Equations

  • Solving equations involving both logarithmic and exponential functions by applying appropriate transformations.


  • NCERT Class 11, Chapter 13: Logarithms, pages 238-242
  • NCERT Class 12, Chapter 9: Logarithms, pages 196-201

4. Word Problems

  • Practice solving problems involving the application of logarithms to real-world scenarios, including growth and decay problems.

5. Applications in Calculus

  • Exploring the use of logarithms in differentiation and integration.
  • Finding derivatives of logarithmic functions.
  • Integrating exponential functions.


  • NCERT Class 12, Chapter 9: Logarithms, pages 201-206

6. Composite Logarithmic Functions

  • Analyzing and simplifying logarithmic expressions involving composite functions or combinations of logarithmic functions.

7. Range and Domain of Logarithmic Functions

  • Determining the domain and range of logarithmic functions, considering the presence of logarithms.


  • NCERT Class 11, Chapter 13: Logarithms, pages 233-238
  • NCERT Class 12, Chapter 9: Logarithms, pages 191-196

8. Inequalities Involving Logarithms

  • Solving logarithmic inequalities, including simple and compound inequalities.
  • Techniques for solving logarithmic inequalities include sign analysis and properties of inequalities.


  • NCERT Class 11, Chapter 13: Logarithms, pages 238-242
  • NCERT Class 12, Chapter 9: Logarithms, pages 196-201

9. Graphing Logarithmic Functions

  • Sketching and analyzing the graphs of logarithmic functions.
  • Identifying asymptotes and key features of logarithmic graphs.


  • NCERT Class 11, Chapter 13: Logarithms, pages 233-238
  • NCERT Class 12, Chapter 9: Logarithms, pages 191-196

10. Techniques for Simplifying Expressions

  • Applying various techniques to simplify complex logarithmic expressions.
  • Rationalizing the denominator.
  • Rewriting expressions in terms of a single logarithm.


  • Practice solving problems regularly.
  • Review concepts from previous lectures to reinforce your understanding.
  • Don’t hesitate to seek help if you encounter difficulties or have doubts.