Notes from Toppers

Detailed Notes: Ethers

Nomenclature (NCERT- 12th Chemistry TextBook Chapter 11 - Alcohols, Phenols, Ethers Section 11.8)

  • Ethers are compounds that have two alkyl or aryl groups bonded to an oxygen atom.
  • The general formula for an ether is R-O-R'.
  • The IUPAC nomenclature for ethers is as follows:
    • The longest carbon chain containing the oxygen atom is identified as the parent chain.
    • The alkoxy group (-OR’) is named as a substituent on the parent chain.
    • If there are multiple alkoxy groups, they are numbered according to their position on the parent chain.
    • The name of the ether is written as “alkoxyalkane.”

Physical Properties (NCERT- 11th Chemistry TextBook Chapter 12 - Aldehydes, Ketones, and Carboxylic Acids)

  • Ethers are generally colorless liquids with a characteristic odor.
  • They are immiscible with water but soluble in organic solvents.
  • The boiling points of ethers are lower than those of the corresponding alcohols.
  • The density of ethers is lower than that of water.

Chemical Properties (NCERT- 12th Chemistry TextBook Chapter 11: Alcohol, Phenols, Ethers

  • Ethers are relatively inert compounds, but they can undergo a variety of chemical reactions.
  • The most common reactions of ethers are cleavage reactions, nucleophilic substitution reactions, and electrophilic addition reactions.
  • Cleavage reactions involve the breaking of the C-O bond.
  • Nucleophilic substitution reactions involve the replacement of the alkoxy group with another nucleophile.
  • Electrophilic addition reactions involve the addition of an electrophile to the double bond of the ether.

Williamson Ether Synthesis (NCERT 12th Chemistry TextBook Chapter 13: Amines)

  • The Williamson Ether Synthesis is a method for preparing symmetrical and unsymmetrical ethers.
  • The reaction involves the reaction of an alkoxide ion with an alkyl halide.
  • The mechanism of the Williamson Ether Synthesis involves an SN2 reaction between the alkoxide ion and the alkyl halide.
  • The synthesis of unsymmetrical ethers requires the use of a primary alkyl halide and a secondary or tertiary alkyl halide.
  • The synthesis of symmetrical ethers requires the use of two primary alkyl halides or two secondary alkyl halides.

Reactions of Epoxides (NCERT - 12th Chemistry TextBook Chapter 10: Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers)

  • Epoxides are cyclic ethers that contain a three-membered ring.
  • Epoxides are highly reactive and can undergo a variety of reactions, including nucleophilic substitution reactions, epoxide ring-opening reactions, and epoxide rearrangements.
  • The nucleophilic substitution reactions of epoxides involve the attack of a nucleophile on the epoxide ring.
  • The epoxide ring-opening reactions involve the breaking of the C-O bond in the epoxide ring.
  • The epoxide rearrangements involve the migration of a group from one carbon atom to another carbon atom in the epoxide ring.

Crown Ethers and Cryptands (NCERT 12th Chemistry TextBook Chapter 10: Alcohols, Phenols, and Ethers)

  • Crown ethers and cryptands are cyclic polyethers that contain multiple oxygen atoms.
  • Crown ethers and cryptands are used as complexing agents.
  • Crown ethers and cryptands can form complexes with metal ions.
  • The structure-property relationships of crown ethers and cryptands are important for understanding their ability to form complexes with metal ions.

*Industrial Applications of Ethers (NCERT 11th & 12th Chemistry TextBooks - Various Chapters as a Solvent)

  • Ethers are used as solvents in a variety of industries.
  • Ethers are used as extractants in the petroleum industry.
  • Ethers are used as fuel additives.
  • Ethers are used in the manufacture of plastics, resins, and adhesives.

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