Structural Organizationanatomy Of Flowering Plants Topic

Structural Organization- Anatomy Of Flowering Plants

1. The Root System

Root Structure:

  • Types of roots:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, page 127

  • Root apex and its functions:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, page 128

  • Meristematic tissue

  • Root cap’s protective function

  • Root hairs and their significance:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, page 131

  • Absorption of water and nutrients

  • Increase the surface area for efficient absorption

Modification of Roots:

  • Tap roots and their modifications:
  • Storage roots (e.g., carrot)
  • Prop roots (e.g., banyan tree)
  • Pneumatophores (e.g., Rhizophora)
  • Adventitious roots and their modifications:
  • Clinging roots (e.g., money plant)
  • Stilt roots (e.g., maize)
  • Epiphytic roots (e.g., orchids)

2. The Shoot System

Stem Structure:

  • Types of stems:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, page 135

  • Herbaceous vs. woody stems

  • Types of climbers

  • Stem apex and its functions:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, page 137

  • Meristematic tissue

  • Bud development

  • Nodes, internodes, and buds:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”

  • Bud position (axillary and terminal buds)

  • Growth patterns

  • Growth rings and their significance:

  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Structural Organisation in Animals”, pages 30-31

  • Reveal seasonal changes and age determination

Modification of Stems:

  • Runners, rhizomes, and tubers:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, page 139

  • Vegetative propagation

  • Thorns and tendrils:

  • Protection and climbing, respectively

  • Bulb, corm, and pseudo-bulb:

  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, page 139

  • Storage and vegetative reproduction

3. The Leaf

Leaf Structure:

  • External morphology of a leaf:
  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, pages 141-143
  • Leaf shape, venation, and margin types
  • Internal structure of a leaf (mesophyll, veins, and epidermis):
  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, pages 143-145
  • Photosynthesis, transport, and protection
  • Types of leaf venation:
  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, pages 141-142
  • Reticulate vs. parallel venation
  • Stomata and their significance in photosynthesis:
  • NCERT: Class 11, Ch. 6 “Anatomy of Flowering Plants”, pages 145-146
  • Gas exchange and transpiration control

Modifications of Leaves:

  • Needle-like leaves:
  • Reduced transpiration in dry conditions
  • Scales:
  • Protection and water conservation
  • Tendrils and spines:
  • Climbing and protection, respectively

4. Inflorescence

Types of Inflorescences:

  • Racemose inflorescences:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 45
  • Simple raceme, compound raceme, corymb, umbel
  • Cymose inflorescences:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 45
  • Dichasial cyme, monochasial cyme

Adaptations for Pollination:

  • Pollination mechanisms (entomophily, anemophily, hydrophily):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 46-48
  • Pollinating agents and floral adaptations
  • Floral structures facilitating pollination (e.g., petals, sepals, nectar glands):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 48-50
  • Attraction and reward for pollinators

5. The Flower

Parts of a Flower

  • Calyx, corolla, androecium, and gynoecium:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 48-50
  • Sepals, petals, stamens, and pistil
  • Floral diagrams and floral formulas:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 51-52
  • Represent floral symmetry and structure
  • Types of flowers based on symmetry (actinomorphic and zygomorphic):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 50
  • Radial vs. bilateral symmetry
  • Complete and incomplete flowers:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 51
  • Presence or absence of all floral parts
  • Bisexual and unisexual flowers:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 51
  • Presence of both male and female reproductive parts


  • Structure of a stamen (filament and anther):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 52
  • Microsporangium and pollen production
  • Types of anthers:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 54
  • Based on anther structure and arrangement
  • Microsporogenesis and the development of the male gametophyte:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 54-55
  • Stages of pollen formation and development


  • Structure of a pistil (ovary, style, and stigma):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 56
  • Ovule production and pollination site
  • Types of ovaries:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 57
  • Based on ovary structure and position
  • Megasporogenesis and the development of the female gametophyte (embryo sac):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 58-59
  • Stages of embryo sac formation and development

Fertilization and Post-Fertilization Events

  • Process of fertilization:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 61
  • Fusion of male and female gametes
  • Formation and development of endosperm:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 62
  • Nutrient storage for embryo development
  • Development of embryo (embryogenesis):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 62-63
  • Early stages of plant growth
  • Types of embryo sacs:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 59
  • Monosporic, bisporic, and tetrasporic types

Seed Structure and Germination

  • Parts of a seed (embryo, cotyledons, and seed coat):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 65
  • Stored food and protection for the embryo
  • Types of seeds:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 66
  • Classification based on seed-coat structure
  • Process of seed germination and seedling growth:
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 67
  • Conditions and stages of seed germination

Fruit Structure and Types:

  • Structure and classification of fruits (simple, aggregate, multiple):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, pages 69-70
  • Based on ovary development and structure
  • Types of fleshy fruits (e.g., drupe, berry):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 70
  • Classification based on fruit characteristics
  • Types of dry fruits (e.g., capsule, nut):
  • NCERT: Class 12, Ch. 2 “Reproduction in Flowering Plants”, page 70
  • Classification based on fruit characteristics