Notes from Toppers

Detailed Notes on Redox Reactions

1. Oxidation-Reduction Reactions


  • Oxidation: Loss of electrons from a substance, resulting in an increase in its oxidation state.
  • Reduction: Gain of electrons by a substance, resulting in a decrease in its oxidation state.
  • Oxidation-Reduction Reactions: Chemical reactions involving the transfer of electrons between reactants.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 11, Chapter 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

2. Balancing Redox Reactions


  • Oxidation Number Method (Ion-Electron Method):
  • Assign oxidation numbers to all atoms in the reaction.
  • Identify the species undergoing oxidation and reduction.
  • Balance the atoms other than hydrogen and oxygen.
  • Balance the oxygen atoms by adding water molecules (H2O).
  • Balance the hydrogen atoms by adding hydrogen ions (H+).
  • Balance the overall charge by adding electrons (e-) to the appropriate species.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

3. Types of Redox Reactions


  • Combination Reactions: Two or more substances combine to form a single product. -Decomposition Reactions: A single compound breaks down into two or more simpler substances.
  • Displacement Reactions: A more reactive element displaces a less reactive element from its compound.
  • Disproportionation Reactions: A single substance undergoes both oxidation and reduction, resulting in the formation of two different products.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

4. Redox Reactions in Aqueous Solutions


  • Half-Reactions: Separate equations for oxidation and reduction processes.
  • Electrochemical Cells:
  • Voltaic Cells (Galvanic Cells): Spontaneous redox reactions generate electricity.
  • Electrolytic Cells: Electricity is used to drive non-spontaneous redox reactions.
  • Electrode Potentials: Measure the tendency of an electrode to undergo oxidation or reduction.
  • Nernst Equation: Relates the cell potential to the concentrations of reactants and products at non-standard conditions.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapter 3: Electrochemistry

5. Applications of Redox Reactions


  • Metallurgy: Extraction and refining of metals from ores through redox processes.
  • Batteries: Electrochemical cells used to store and release energy (e.g., lead-acid batteries, lithium-ion batteries).
  • Fuel Cells: Generate electricity through redox reactions involving fuels like hydrogen or natural gas.
  • Corrosion: Degradation of metals due to redox reactions with the environment, can be prevented using protective coatings or alloys.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 11, Chapter 2: Structure of the Atom
  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapters 3, 6

6. Quantitative Aspects of Redox Reactions


  • Mole Calculations: Determine the stoichiometric relationships between reactants and products in redox reactions, involving mole-to-mole conversions.
  • Concentration Calculations: Use concentrations to determine the amounts of reactants and products in redox reactions.
  • Volume Calculations: In reactions involving gases, use gas laws (e.g., ideal gas equation) to calculate volumes of reactants and products.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 11, Chapter 1: Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapter 6: General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements

7. Redox Reactions and Acids-Bases


  • Acid-Base Neutralization: Proton transfer reactions between acids and bases, involving H+ ions and OH- ions.
  • Redox Reactions in Acidic or Basic Media: Redox reactions that occur in specific pH conditions, affecting the reactivity and products.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 11, Chapter 2: Structure of the Atom
  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapter 3: Electrochemistry; Chapter 8: d and f Block Elements

8. Redox Reactions in Organic Chemistry


  • Combustion Reactions: Hydrocarbons react with oxygen, releasing heat and energy.
  • Addition and Elimination Reactions: Free radical mechanisms involving the transfer of electrons.
  • Oxidation-Reduction Reactions of Functional Groups: Functional groups undergo oxidation or reduction reactions, changing their chemical properties.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 11, Chapter 13: Hydrocarbons
  • NCERT Chemistry Class 12, Chapter 9: Alkanes and Cycloalkanes

9. Electrochemical Series and Reactivity


  • Electrochemical Series: A list of metals arranged according to their standard reduction potentials, with more reactive metals higher in the series.
  • Reactivity: The ability of a metal to undergo oxidation.


  • NCERT Chemistry Class 11, Chapter 2: Structure of the Atom