Notes from Toppers

LC Oscillations

1. Basic Concepts:

  • Introduction:

    • An LC circuit consists of an inductor and a capacitor connected in series or parallel.
    • When the capacitor is charged and the circuit is closed, the stored electrical energy is transferred between the inductor and the capacitor, resulting in oscillations.
  • Inductance and Capacitance:

    • Inductance (L): Property of a conductor to oppose changes in current flow, measured in henries (H).
    • Capacitance (C): Ability of a conductor to store electrical charge, measured in farads (F).
  • Energy Stored:

    • Energy stored in an inductor: (E_L = 1/2 LI^2)
    • Energy stored in a capacitor: (E_C = 1/2 CV^2)

2. Differential Equation of LC Oscillations:

  • Derivation:

    Using Kirchhoff’s voltage law and the relationships between current and voltage in an inductor and capacitor, we obtain the differential equation:


  • Solutions:

    The solutions to this equation are sinusoidal functions:

    $$q(t) = Q_{max} \cos(\omega t + \phi)$$

    where (Q_{max}) is the maximum charge, $\omega$ is the angular frequency, and $\phi$ is the phase angle.

  • Angular Frequency and Time Period:

    Angular frequency: (\omega = \frac{1}{\sqrt{LC}}) Time period: (T = \frac{2\pi}{\omega} = 2\pi \sqrt{LC} )

3. Energy Conservation in LC Oscillations:

  • Principle:

    Total energy in the circuit (sum of electrical and magnetic energies) remains constant during oscillations.

  • Proof:

    $$E_{total} = E_L + E_C = \frac{1}{2}LI^2 + \frac{1}{2}CV^2$$

Taking the derivative with respect to time and using the differential equation, we get:

$$\frac{dE_{total}}{dt} = LI\frac{dI}{dt} + CV\frac{dV}{dt} = 0$$

Therefore, the total energy remains constant.

4. Phase Difference and Amplitude:

  • Phase Difference:

    Current (I) and voltage (V) differ in phase by 90 degrees in an LC circuit. When current is maximum, voltage is zero, and vice versa.

  • Amplitude:

Maximum current amplitude: (I_{max} = \frac{Q_{max}}{\sqrt{L}}) Maximum voltage amplitude: (V_{max} = Q_{max}\sqrt{\frac{1}{C}})

5. Quality Factor:

  • Definition:

    Quality factor (Q) represents the energy loss per oscillation. $$Q = \frac{\omega_0L}{R}$$ where $\omega_0$ is the resonant frequency and R is the resistance in the circuit.

  • Significance:

    Higher Q indicates lower energy loss and more sustained oscillations.

6. Damped LC Oscillations:

  • Causes:

    Energy loss due to resistance in the circuit causes damping of oscillations.

  • Differential Equation: $$L\frac{d^2q}{dt^2}+R\frac{dq}{dt}+\frac{q}{C}=0$$

  • Solutions: ( q(t) = Q_0 e^{-\alpha t} \cos(\omega ’ t + \phi) )

    where (Q_0) is the initial charge, $\alpha$ is the decay constant, $\omega ‘$ is the damped angular frequency, and $\phi$ is the phase angle.

  • Decay Constant and Logarithmic Decrement:

    Decay constant: (\alpha = \frac{R}{2L}) Logarithmic decrement: (\delta = \frac{2\pi \alpha}{T})

7. Resonance in LC Circuits:

  • Condition:

    Resonance occurs when the angular frequency of the applied voltage matches the natural angular frequency of the LC circuit: (\omega = \omega_0).

  • Sharpness:

    Sharpness of resonance is characterized by the quality factor (Q). Higher Q indicates a sharper resonance.

  • Bandwidth and Selectivity:

    Bandwidth (BW): Frequency range around the resonant frequency where the amplitude drops to (1/\sqrt{2}) of the maximum amplitude. Selectivity: Ability of the circuit to distinguish between signals of different frequencies. Higher Q implies higher selectivity.

8. Coupled LC Circuits:

  • Introduction:

    Two or more LC circuits that interact through mutual inductance are known as coupled LC circuits.

  • Coefficient of Coupling:

    Measures the degree of magnetic coupling between the coils. (0\le k\le 1).

  • Energy Transfer:

    Energy oscillates between the coupled circuits, with the frequency and amplitude depending on the coupling coefficient.

  • Normal Modes of Oscillation:

    Two distinct frequencies at which the coupled circuits oscillate independently.

9. Applications of LC Oscillations:

  • LC Oscillators:

    Generate sinusoidal oscillations used in various electronic devices.

  • Tuning Circuits:

    Used in radios and television to select a specific frequency from the electromagnetic spectrum.

  • Filters:

    Used in electronic circuits to pass or reject certain frequency bands.

  • Energy Storage Devices:

    Capacitors and inductors can store electrical energy in LC circuits.