Notes from Toppers

Detailed Notes for Complex Numbers (JEE Preparation)

1. Basic Concepts:

  • Complex numbers are ordered pairs of real numbers, represented as (a + bi), where (a) and (b) are real numbers and (i) is the imaginary unit defined by (i^2 = -1).


  • NCERT Mathematics Class 11, Chapter 5, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

2. Graphical Representation:

  • Complex numbers can be plotted on the complex plane, a two-dimensional coordinate system where the horizontal axis represents the real part and the vertical axis represents the imaginary part.


  • NCERT Mathematics Class 11, Chapter 5, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

3. Complex Conjugates:

  • The complex conjugate of a complex number (a + bi) is (a - bi).
  • Complex conjugates have the same real part but differ in the sign of the imaginary part.


  • NCERT Mathematics Class 11, Chapter 5, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

4. Modulus and Argument:

  • The modulus (magnitude) of a complex number (a + bi) is given by (\sqrt{a^2 + b^2}).
  • The argument (angle) of a complex number (a + bi) is the angle formed by the positive real axis and the line connecting the origin to the point ((a, b)) on the complex plane. It is denoted as (\theta).


  • NCERT Mathematics Class 11, Chapter 5, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

5. De Moivre’s Theorem:

  • De Moivre’s Theorem states that for any complex number (z = r(\cos\theta + i\sin\theta)) and any positive integer (n), we have (z^n = r^n(\cos n\theta + i\sin n\theta)).
  • This theorem is used to simplify powers and roots of complex numbers.


  • NCERT Mathematics Class 12, Chapter 5, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

6. Exponential and Logarithmic Forms:

  • A complex number (z = a + bi) can be expressed in exponential form as (z = r(\cos\theta + i\sin\theta)), where (r = \sqrt{a^2 + b^2}) and (\theta) is the argument of (z).
  • The natural logarithm of a complex number (z = r(\cos\theta + i\sin\theta)) is given by (\ln z = \ln r + i\theta), where (r) is the modulus and (\theta) is the argument of (z).


  • NCERT Mathematics Class 12, Chapter 5, Complex Numbers and Quadratic Equations

7. Applications:

  • Complex numbers have wide applications in various fields such as electrical engineering, mechanical engineering, signal processing, and quantum mechanics.

  • In electrical engineering, complex numbers are used to represent and analyze alternating current (AC) circuits, impedance, and power factor.

  • In mechanical engineering, complex numbers are used to analyze vibrations and the behavior of mechanical systems.

Important Notes:

  • To excel in complex numbers, practice solving a variety of problems involving graphical representation, complex conjugates, modulus and argument, De Moivre’s Theorem, and exponential and logarithmic forms.
  • Understand the geometric interpretations of complex numbers and their operations.
  • Develop your problem-solving skills by attempting challenging questions and problems from previous years’ JEE examinations and practice tests.
  • Regularly revise and reinforce your understanding of complex numbers to ensure long-term retention.