Motion in a Plane - Result Question 49

52. A stone is tied to a string of length $\ell$ and is whirled in a vertical circle with the other end of the string as the centre. At a certain instant of time, the stone is at its lowest position and has a speed $u$. The magnitude of the change in velocity as it reaches a position where the string is horizontal ( $g$ being acceleration due to gravity) is


(a) $\sqrt{2 g \ell}$

(b) $\sqrt{2(u^{2}-g \ell)}$

(c) $\sqrt{u^{2}-g \ell}$

(d) $u-\sqrt{u^{2}-2 g \ell}$

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Correct Answer: 52. (b)


  1. (b) $W _{mg}=\Delta K$

$\Rightarrow-mg \ell=1 / 2 mv^{2}-1 / 2 mu^{2}$

or, $m v^{2}=m(u^{2}-2 g \ell]$

or, $v=\sqrt{u^{2}-2 g \ell} \quad \hat{j}$

$\vec{u}=u \hat{i}$

$\therefore \vec{v}-\vec{u}=\sqrt{u^{2}-2 g \ell} \hat{j}-u \hat{i}$

$\therefore|\vec{v}-\vec{u}|=[(u^{2}-2 g \ell)+u^{2}]^{1 / 2}=\sqrt{2(u^{2}-g \ell)}$

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