Rutherford Scattering And Introduction To Bohr Model

Rutherford Scattering

Remember: “Gold Foil Experiment Revealed the Heart of the Atom”

  • Rutherford used gold foil because of its thinness and abundance of electrons.
  • Alpha particles scattered at large angles due to the presence of a tiny, dense nucleus.
  • Scattering angles provided insights into the relationship between impact parameter and nuclear radius.
  • Nuclear radius found to be 100,000 times smaller than atomic radius, indicating most of the atom’s volume is empty space.

Introduction to Bohr Model

Remember: “Bohr’s Energy Levels: A Quantum Leap in Atomic Understanding”

  • Bohr refined Rutherford’s model by introducing energy levels and quantized energy states.
  • Electrons can only occupy certain discrete orbits with specific radii determined by their energy levels.
  • When electrons jump between energy levels, emission or absorption of photons occurs, resulting in spectral lines.
  • Bohr’s model successfully explained the Rydberg formula.

Additional Points

Remember: “Atomic Zoo and Energy Units”

  • Atomic number (Z): Number of protons, determines an element’s identity.
  • Mass number (A): Sum of protons and neutrons in an atom’s nucleus.
  • Isotopes: Same element with varying numbers of neutrons (different A but same Z).
  • Isobars: Different elements with the same mass number (same A but different Z).
  • Isotones: Different elements with the same number of neutrons (same N but different Z).
  • Electron volts (eV): Energy unit常用 in atomic physics, equivalent to energy gained by an electron accelerating through a potential of 1 volt.
  • Atomic units (a.u.): Convenient system derived from fundamental constants where:
    • e(electron charge) = 1
    • m(electron mass) = 1
    • 4πε0 = 1