Problem Solving Modern Physics

Concepts to remember on Problem-solving in Modern Physics for JEE and CBSE board exams:

Quantum mechanics:

  • Key concepts:

    • Wave-particle duality, principle of complementarity.
    • Schrodinger’s wave equation, interpretation of wave function, probability distribution, boundary conditions.
    • Quantum states and operators.
    • The uncertainty principle.
    • Quantum tunneling, the potential barrier, applications.
  • Handy phrases/Mnemonics:

    • Wave-particle duality: “Sometimes a wave, sometimes a particle, quantum weirdness is quite hard to articulate”
    • Schrödinger’s equation: “Ψ describes the wave-like state, solving this equation reveals quantum fate.”
    • Uncertainty principle: “Position and momentum, you cannot know both, the more you know one, the more the other is lost.”

Atomic physics:

  • Key concepts:

    • Quantum numbers, atomic orbitals.
    • Aufbau principle, Pauli exclusion principle, Hund’s rule.
    • Electronic configurations, periodic properties.
    • Ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity.
  • Handy phrases/Mnemonics:

    • Quantum numbers: “n for energy levels, l for angular momentum, ml for orientation, and ms for spin, remember them all, to quantum chemistry, you’ll win.”
    • Aufbau principle: “Electrons fill orbitals, from low energy to high, following this rule, you won’t go awry.”
    • Pauli exclusion principle: “No two electrons can share the same quantum state, this is the rule that makes atoms great.”

Nuclear physics:

  • Key concepts:

    • Nuclear structure, isotopes, isobars, isotones.
    • Nuclear forces, binding energy, mass defect.
    • Nuclear reactions, fission, fusion, chain reactions, nuclear power.
    • Radioactive decay, half-life, types of decay.
  • Handy phrases/Mnemonics:

    • Nuclear structure: “Protons and neutrons, densely packed, give atoms their weight, that’s a nuclear fact.”
    • Nuclear reactions: “Fission splits big, fusion combines small, chain reactions multiply, nuclear power lights it all.”
    • Radioactive decay: “Atoms can be unstable, emitting radiation, their half-lives determine their transformation station.”


  • Key concepts:

    • Galilean relativity, the principle of relativity, inertial frames.
    • Special relativity, time dilation, length contraction.
    • Mass-energy equivalence, Einstein’s mass-energy relation.
    • General relativity, the equivalence of mass and gravity, gravitational waves.
  • Handy phrases/Mnemonics:

    • Galilean relativity: “Laws of motion, all the same, in moving frames, no one feels the blame.”
    • Special relativity: “Time stretches, lengths shrink, as we approach light speed, relativity reveals, this unique deed.”
    • General relativity: “Mass bends spacetime, gravity’s might, general relativity brings it to light.”

Applications of modern physics:

  • Key concepts:

    • Quantum mechanics in electronics, the transistor.
    • Nuclear energy and nuclear power plants.
    • Radioisotopes and their applications in medicine and industry.
    • Laser technology, holograms, and optical communication.
    • Particle accelerators and the search for fundamental particles.
    • Quantum computing and quantum information processing.
  • Handy phrases/Mnemonics:

    • Quantum mechanics in electronics: “Transistors, the heart of electronics, quantum tunneling’s the key, to their fantastic tricks.”
    • Nuclear energy: “Nuclear power, energy immense, fission and fusion, release the potential hence.”
    • Radioisotopes: “Radioactive isotopes, in medicine and industry, trace, diagnose, heal, their uses can’t be unseen.”