Planar Motion Motion In A Plane

Concepts to Remember - JEE and CBSE Board Exams: Planar Motion - Motion in a Plane:

Vectors (Basic Definitions):

  • Position Vector: Represents the position of a particle relative to a fixed origin in a coordinate system.

  • Displacement Vector: Represents the change in position of a particle from its initial position to its final position.

  • Velocity: Represents the rate of change of displacement of a particle with respect to time.

  • Acceleration: Represents the rate of change of velocity of a particle with respect to time.

Equations of Motion:

  • Equations of Motion in Vector Form: Provide the mathematical relations between acceleration, velocity, and displacement of a particle in motion.

  • Equations of Motion in Scalar Form: Represent the components of acceleration, velocity, and displacement along specific coordinate axes.

Projectile Motion:

  • Trajectory of a Projectile: The curved path followed by a projectile due to the combined effect of initial velocity and gravitational acceleration.

  • Equations of Projectile Motion: Describe the motion of a projectile in terms of time of flight, maximum height, and range.

Uniform Circular Motion:

  • Kinematic Equations of Uniform Circular Motion: Relate angular displacement, angular velocity, linear velocity, and radius of rotation.

  • Centripetal Acceleration and Force: Explain the acceleration of an object moving in a circular path and the force required to produce this acceleration.

Tangential and Radial Components:

  • Tangential and Radial Acceleration in Uniform Circular Motion: Describe the components of acceleration in uniform circular motion: tangential acceleration and radial acceleration.

  • Components of Velocity and Acceleration: Express velocity and acceleration vectors into tangential and radial components.

Relative Motion:

  • Concept of Relative Motion: Describes the motion of an object relative to another object in motion.

  • Relative Velocity: Represents the velocity of an object relative to another object in motion.

Work, Energy, and Power:

  • Concept of Work in 2D: Explains the concept of work done on a particle moving in a plane.

  • Concept of Power: Represents the rate at which work is done or energy is transferred.

Impulse and Momentum:

  • Impulse and Momentum in Vector Form: Provides mathematical relations between impulse, momentum, and force in vector form.

  • Momentum Conservation Principle in 2D: States that the total momentum of a closed system remains constant in the absence of external forces.


  • Angular Velocity and Displacement: Describe the angular motion of an object, relating angular displacement, angular velocity, and time.

  • Angular Acceleration: Represents the rate of change of angular velocity with respect to time.

  • Rotational Kinematics Equations: Relate angular displacement, angular velocity, angular acceleration, and time in rotational motion.

  • Torque: Describes the force that causes an object to rotate around an axis, considering its moment arm.

Newton’s Laws of Motion:

  • Newton’s First Law of Motion: States that an object at rest stays at rest, and an object in motion continues in motion with an unchanging velocity unless acted upon by an external force.

  • Newton’s Second Law of Motion for Rotational Motion: Relates the net torque acting on an object to its angular acceleration.

  • Newton’s Third Law of Motion for Rotational Motion: States that for every action-reaction pair, the torques produced are equal in magnitude but opposite in direction.


  • Static and Kinetic Friction: Describe the frictional force between two surfaces in contact, either at rest (static friction) or in motion (kinetic friction).

  • Coefficient of Friction: Quantifies the resistance to motion between two surfaces.

Collision (1D and 2D):

  • Elastic Collision in 1D: Describes a collision where both momentum and kinetic energy are conserved.

  • Inelastic Collision in 1D: Describes a collision where only momentum is conserved, and kinetic energy is lost.

  • Coefficient of Restitution: Measures the degree of elasticity in a collision.

  • Oblique Collision in 2D: Describes a collision between two particles in two dimensions, considering both normal and tangential components.

Equilibrium of Forces:

  • Concept of Equilibrium: Describes the state of an object where the net force acting on it is zero.

  • Conditions of Equilibrium: Provide the criteria for an object to be in equilibrium in various situations.

Moment of Inertia:

  • Concept of Moment of Inertia: Represents the resistance of an object to angular acceleration, analogous to mass in linear motion.

  • Calculation of Moment of Inertia for Simple Bodies: Provides formulas to calculate the moment of inertia for simple objects like spheres, cylinders, and rods.

Parallel Axes Theorem:

  • Parallel Axis Theorem for Moment of Inertia: Establishes a relation between the moment of inertia about an axis parallel to the axis passing through the center of mass.

Perpendicular Axis Theorem:

  • Perpendicular Axis Theorem for Moment of Inertia: Relates the moments of inertia about two mutually perpendicular axes passing through a point.

Work-Energy Theorem:

  • Concept of Work-Energy Theorem: States that the net work done on an object is equal to the change in its kinetic energy.

  • Application to Motion in a Plane: Demonstrates the use of the work-energy theorem to solve problems involving motion in a plane.

Projectile Motion and Time of Flight:

  • Time of Flight and Maximum Height in Projectile Motion: Derives equations to calculate the time of flight and maximum height reached by a projectile.

Centripetal Force and Newton’s Laws:

  • Centripetal Force and its Relation to Newton’s Laws: Explains how Newton’s laws govern the motion of an object in circular motion, focusing on the centripetal force.

Rotational Motion and Inertia:

  • Inertia in Rotational Motion: Highlights the role of inertia in resisting changes in rotational motion.

Moment of Inertia and Rotational Motion:

  • Moment of Inertia and its Role in Rotational Motion: Explains how the moment of inertia affects the angular motion of an object.

Equilibrium and Rotational Motion:

  • Equilibrium in Rotational Motion: Discusses the conditions for an object to be in rotational equilibrium.

Applications of Rotational Dynamics:

  • Simple Pendulum: Analyzes the motion of a simple pendulum using rotational dynamics concepts.

  • Physical Significance of Moment of Inertia: Explores the practical implications of the moment of inertia in various situations.