Matrix And Determinant

Concepts to remember for Matrix and Determinant


  1. Definition of a matrix: A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers or variables. It is represented by a capital letter, such as A, and its elements are represented by subscripts.

  2. Types of matrices: There are many different types of matrices, including:

    • Square matrices: A square matrix has the same number of rows and columns.
    • Rectangular matrices: A rectangular matrix has a different number of rows and columns.
    • Symmetric matrices: A symmetric matrix is a square matrix in which the elements above the diagonal are equal to the elements below the diagonal.
    • Triangular matrices: A triangular matrix is a square matrix in which all the elements below (or above) the diagonal are zero.
  3. Matrix addition and subtraction: Matrix addition and subtraction are performed element-wise. That is, the corresponding elements of two matrices are added or subtracted to produce a new matrix.

  4. Matrix multiplication: Matrix multiplication is performed by multiplying the elements of a row of the first matrix by the corresponding elements of a column of the second matrix and then summing the products. The result is a new matrix whose dimensions are determined by the dimensions of the original matrices.

  5. Transpose of a matrix: The transpose of a matrix is a new matrix that is formed by interchanging the rows and columns of the original matrix.

  6. Inverse of a matrix: The inverse of a matrix is a new matrix that, when multiplied by the original matrix, produces the identity matrix. Not all matrices have an inverse. Only square matrices that are non-singular (or invertible) have inverses.

  7. Elementary row operations: Elementary row operations are operations that can be performed on a matrix without changing the solution to a system of linear equations. These operations include:

    • Row addition: Adding a multiple of one row to another row
    • Row subtraction: Subtracting a multiple of one row from another row
    • Row multiplication: Multiplying a row by a nonzero constant
    • Row interchange: Interchanging two rows
  8. Row echelon form and reduced row echelon form: Row echelon form is a matrix in which all the leading coefficients (the leftmost nonzero element in each row) are 1 and all the elements below the leading coefficients are zero. Reduced row echelon form is a row echelon form in which all the elements above and below the leading coefficients are also zero.


  1. Definition of a determinant: The determinant of a square matrix is a scalar value that is calculated from the elements of the matrix. It is represented by the vertical bars around the matrix, such as |A|.

  2. Properties of determinants: Determinants have a number of properties, including:

    • Linearity: The determinant of a matrix is linear in each row and column. This means that if a multiple of one row (or column) is added to another row (or column), the determinant changes by the same multiple.
    • Product rule: The determinant of a product of two matrices is equal to the product of the determinants of the individual matrices.
  3. Minors and cofactors: Minors and cofactors are used to calculate the determinant of a matrix. A minor is the determinant of a submatrix of the original matrix. A cofactor is a minor multiplied by ((-1)^{i+j}), where i and j are the row and column indices of the element in the original matrix that corresponds to the minor.

  4. Laplace expansion: Laplace expansion is a method for calculating the determinant of a matrix by expanding the determinant along a row or column.

  5. Cramer’s rule: Cramer’s rule is a method for solving a system of linear equations in which the number of equations is equal to the number of variables. It uses determinants to find the solution to the system of equations.

  6. Singular and non-singular matrices: A singular matrix is a square matrix whose determinant is zero. A non-singular matrix is a square matrix whose determinant is nonzero.

Applications of matrices and determinants:

  1. Solving systems of linear equations: Matrices and determinants can be used to solve systems of linear equations. This is done by reducing the augmented matrix of the system to row echelon form or reduced row echelon form and then using the resulting matrix to find the solution to the system of equations.

  2. Finding eigenvalues and eigenvectors: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors are used to study the behavior of linear transformations. They can be found by solving the characteristic equation of a matrix.

  3. Matrix transformations: Matrices can be used to represent linear transformations. This is useful in areas such as computer graphics, physics, and engineering.

  4. Computer graphics: Matrices are used in computer graphics to represent and transform objects in three dimensions.

  5. Cryptography: Matrices are used in cryptography to encrypt and decrypt messages.