Linear Inequality In Two Variables

Linear Inequality in Two Variables

How to remember each concept:

Solving linear equations in two variables:

  • Linear equation in two variables.
  • Use substitution or elimination to solve

Graphing linear inequalities in two variables:

  • Graph the boundary line by finding x and y intercepts
  • Use test point on either side to shade appropriate half plane

Half plane:

  • A half plane is a region on a plane that is bounded by a line.

Types of linear equations in two variables:

  • Equation i) x + 2y > 5

  • Slope: -1/2

  • Y intercept: 5/2

  • Graph as solid line as equation is ‘>’

  • Half plane is the region is above/shaded the line.

  • Equation ii) 3x + 4y < 6

  • Slope: -3/4

  • Y intercept: 3/2

  • Graph the line as a solid line since the equation is ‘<’.

  • The shaded half-plane is below/shaded the line

  • Equation iii) 5x - 3y ≤ 15

  • Slope: 5/3

  • Y-intercept: 5

  • Graph the line as a solid line as the inequality sign is ‘≤’

  • Shade/half-plane is below/on the line.

Finding the feasible region of a system of linear inequalities:

  • Graph all the inequalities
  • Feasible region is area that satisfies all the inequalities

Applications of linear inequalities, including optimization problems:

  • Optimization problems- find maximum or minimum values of function

Linear programming

  • Linear programming: optimize (maximize or minimize) linear function subject to linear inequality constraints.

Solving linear inequalities involving absolute values:

  • Graph separately.
  • Find union of the two graphs.

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