Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Inverse Trigonometric Functions

Concept: Definition

Inverse trigonometric functions are functions that undo the trigonometric functions.

Concept: Notation

The inverse trigonometric functions are denoted by:

  • sin^(-1)(x)
  • cos^(-1)(x)
  • tan^(-1)(x)
  • cot^(-1)(x)
  • sec^(-1)(x)
  • csc^(-1)(x)

Concept: Domain and Range

Function Domain Range
sin^(-1)(x) [-1, 1] [-π/2, π/2]
cos^(-1)(x) [-1, 1] [0, π]
tan^(-1)(x) All real numbers (-π/2, π/2)
cot^(-1)(x) All real numbers except 0 (0, π)
sec^(-1)(x) (-∞, -1] ∪ [1, ∞) [0, π/2) ∪ (π/2, π]
csc^(-1)(x) (-∞, -1] ∪ [1, ∞) [-π/2, 0) ∪ (0, π/2]

Concept: Graphs

  • sin^(-1)(x):

    • Starts at (-1, -π/2)
    • Ends at (1, π/2)
  • cos^(-1)(x):

    • Starts at (-1, π)
    • Ends at (1, 0)
  • tan^(-1)(x):

    • Starts at (-∞, -π/2)
    • Ends at (∞, π/2)
  • cot^(-1)(x):

    • Starts at (-∞, 0)
    • Ends at (∞, π)
  • sec^(-1)(x):

    • Starts at (-∞, π/2)
    • Ends at (-1, π)
    • Starts again at (1, 0)
    • Ends at (∞, π/2)
  • csc^(-1)(x):

    • Starts at (-∞, -π/2)
    • Ends at (-1, 0)
    • Starts again at (1, π/2)
    • Ends at (∞, π/2)

Concept: Identities

  • sin^(-1)(x) = cos^(-1)√(1 - x^2)
  • cos^(-1)(x) = sin^(-1)√(1 - x^2)
  • tan^(-1)(x) = cot^(-1)(1/x)
  • cot^(-1)(x) = tan^(-1)(1/x)
  • sec^(-1)(x) = cos^(-1)(1/x)
  • csc^(-1)(x) = sin^(-1)(1/x)

Concept: Applications

Inverse trigonometric functions are used in a variety of applications, including:

  • Solving trigonometric equations
  • Finding the angle between two lines
  • Finding the area of a triangle
  • Finding the direction of a vector