Binomial Theorem

Binomial Theorem Concepts to Remember

Pascal’s Triangle:

  • A triangular arrangement of binomial coefficients.
  • Each number in the triangle is the sum of the two numbers directly above it.
  • nth row represents the coefficients of the (n+1)th term of the binomial expansion.

General term of binomial expansion:

  • $$T_r = ^nC_r X^n-rY^r$$
  • Where ^nC_r is the binomial coefficient.
  • (n)is the exponent of the binomial raised to the power of n-r. -(Y)is the second term of the binomial raised to the power of (r). -(r) represents the specific term in the expansion

Binomial coefficients:

  • The numbers that appear in Pascal’s Triangle.
  • Represent the coefficient of each term in the binomial expansion.
  • Calculated using the formula: ^^nCr = n!/r!(n - r)!.

Properties of binomial coefficients:

  • Symmetric property: ^nCr = ^nCn-r. -Pascal’s rule: ^nCr = ^n-1Cr + ^n-1Cr-1.

Applications of binomial theorem:

  • Approximating probabilities in probability distributions (normal, binomial, Poisson).
  • Expanding algebraic expressions.
  • Calculating combinations and permutations.
  • Simplifying complex expressions involving powers and products of binomials.