
Table 1: Types of Meristematic Tissue

Type of Meristem Location in Plant Function
Apical Meristem Tips of roots and shoots Responsible for primary growth (length)
Lateral Meristem Sides of stems and roots Responsible for secondary growth (girth)
Intercalary Meristem Between mature tissues (e.g., at the base of leaves or internodes in grasses) Regrowth after cutting/grazing and contributes to lengthening of the plant

Table 2: Comparison of Xylem and Phloem

Feature Xylem Phloem
Function Transports water and minerals from roots to other plant parts Transports sugars and other metabolic products downward from the leaves
Direction of Flow Typically upward, from roots to leaves Bidirectional, to and from storage organs and growing regions
Cell Types Tracheids and vessel elements (in angiosperms); predominantly tracheids (in gymnosperms) Sieve tube elements and companion cells
Transport Mechanism Passive transport driven by transpiration pull and root pressure Active transport involving osmotic pressure
Mechanical Support Provides mechanical support due to lignified cell walls Does not provide mechanical support