
Transgenic Animals:

  • Definition: Transgenic animals have foreign DNA (genes) inserted into their genome to express new traits.

  • Steps of Transgenesis:

  1. Selection of Target Gene: Choose the gene of interest, typically coding for specific proteins or traits.

  2. Gene Cloning: Amplify the target gene using techniques like PCR to create multiple copies.

  3. Insertion of Target Gene: Introduce the cloned gene into the host animal’s genome using methods like microinjection, viral vectors, or CRISPR- Cas9.

  • Examples of Transgenic Animals:
  1. GloFish: Genetically modified zebrafish with fluorescent genes.

  2. Oncomouse: Carries an oncogene and is used in cancer research.

  3. Dolly the Sheep: First cloned mammal, not transgenic but significant in genetic manipulation.

  4. Pharming Animals: Produce pharmaceuticals in their milk, e.g., goats producing human antithrombin.

  • Applications:
  1. Biomedical Research: Used as disease models, e.g., mice for studying Alzheimer’s, cancer, or diabetes.

  2. Drug Testing: Assess safety and efficacy of new drugs and treatments.

  3. Agriculture: Create GM livestock for higher yields, disease resistance, or better quality products.

  4. Bioreactors: Use transgenic animals to produce valuable proteins, hormones, or antibodies.

  5. Conservation: Introduce genes into endangered species to enhance survival and reproduction.

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