wave-optics Question 23
Question: Q. 6. Consider a two slit interference arrangement (shown in figure) such that the distance of the screen from the slits is half the distance between the slits. Obtain the value of
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[CBSE Marking Scheme 2016]
[II Q. 7. Explain by drawing a suitable diagram that the interference pattern in a double slit is actually a superposition of single slit diffraction from each slit. Write two basic features which distinguish the interference pattern from those seen in a coherently illuminated single slit.
Ans. The diagram, given here, shows several fringes, due to double slit interference, ‘contained’ in a broad diffraction peak. When the separation between the slits is large compared to their width, the diffraction pattern becomes very flat and we observe the two slit interference pattern.
Two basic features :
(i) The interference pattern has a number of equally spaced bright and dark bands while diffraction pattern has a central bright maxima which is twice as wide as the other maxima.
(ii) Interference pattern is the superposition of two waves originating from two narrow slits. The diffraction pattern is a superposition of a continuous family of waves originating from each point on a single slit.
(iii) For a single slit of width ’
2 diffraction pattern occurs at an angle of
(Any two) 1